First post. Came across this deal in email, there are selected performance at Sydney Opera House at $22 each ticket and NO BOOKING FEE (just booked).
Pretty good deal, seats are limited. Enjoy watching.
First post. Came across this deal in email, there are selected performance at Sydney Opera House at $22 each ticket and NO BOOKING FEE (just booked).
Pretty good deal, seats are limited. Enjoy watching.
At the trolls
It's a Russian zalute…
the new fuhrer
Hermitude for $22 a ticket is an absolute steal. One of my all time favourite live acts.
Damn, all gone. Not interested in them enough for full price but for $22 almost a no-brainer.
Got tix to another one I've never heard before - let's see how it goes - should be a fun night either way: enjoy music or have something to complain about at the opera bar after half time.
Eh $74 is pretty steep… but Vivid shows can be really special and these guys are such a guarantee of a good time I would still say it's worth it. I don't have my monetary priorities in order though….
Yeah I don't know them really - thought one song was a real banger when I heard it (Through the roof) and then saw they were going to play at the Enmore so looked at a few youtube clips to check them out but wasn't immediately drawn. Maybe I'll have another look.
after half time.
I just realised how stupid that sounds. Opera house and it's usual associations…..
We love Hermitude! Definitely agree with Hinee! Unfortunately missed out again, last year bought some tickets for their show at opera house with golden features & cancelling due to pandemic.
Thanks, got Liars & The Double
aussie music sucks
can use dine n discover too making it basically free
Would they return 3 dollars?
Probably not, but I guess you can book 2 shows and save 25 with discover voucher
Damn, Liars at that price is a deal and a half. Would also love to see Tkay Maidzaand S1mba would be fun as heck as well.
Looks like Tkay Maidza is no longer on the list :(
Either is Hermitude I tried refresh the whole day
Does anyone know anything about the illusionist show by Scott Silven
Thank you OP, got tix to KUČKA. Excellent!
We used 2 'dine n discover' vouchers for a free evening to KUČKA after listened to bunch of impressive tracks with flume.
Maybe Flume will make a guest appearance… ?!?!
It would be wild, just hoping she at least plays a couple of the songs we are listening to.
Comedy’s now been added on $22 tickets at opera house / completely free with $25 discover NSW voucher !
Finally, a chance to be classy.
Btw, what is that skinhead hailing at?