This was posted 2 years 10 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kingsong N11 Cheetah 60V 22.4Ah Dual Motor Electric Scooter $2399 Delivered @ E-Riderz


On sale for a really good price is this high end electric scooter that offers a lot of features for the price. Prices for scooters are normally based around the battery capacity and a similar 60V scooter like the Dualtron Eagle Pro will set you back $3500 . This one has been reduced from $2899 and shipping is free for all the postcodes I've tried.

This one is designed to be used offroad and has extra wide 11" offroad pneumatic tyres with dual suspension, so if you live in a state where escooters are legal this is a great option for offroad. Another notable mention is the dual sinewave controllers at 70A which may taking off a lot smoother and result in better battery efficiency. The only real downsides with this scooter is changing from single motor to dual motor requires you to hold the left brake and pressing the button above the display 6 times. In other scooters there's a single button for single and dual motor.

It has a 60V 22.4Ah battery offering ~80km range, a road legal speed of 25km, private road max speed of 60km, dual 1200W motors (1800W peak), 70A sinewave controllers, phone app for settings including cruise control, locking etc, supports 10A HyperCharging (3hr recharge), 40W front headlight, customisable RGB sidelights, durable folding mechanism (no more awkward clamps), front/rear EABS + hydraulic disc brakes and a maximum load of 150kg.

For reviews I recommend Wrong Way who covers everything about the scooter and Mexican Batman showing how it handles hills and offroad terrain.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      Sucks to be a Victorian. I spent a few hours zipping around the city yesterday and had a great chat with the police about it. They even wanted to take it for a spin ;)

        • +2

          I don't live in Victoria. They're road legal in Tas.

            • @jv: And have the little lobster Matthew Guy? No thanks?

              • @arcticmonkey: Matthew Guy isn't responsible for over 800 deaths due to stuffing up hotel quarantine.

                • @jv: Nope. That's your mate Scomo.

                  • @arcticmonkey:

                    That's your mate Scomo.

                    Nah, Dan hired the incompetent security guards and put in place a pathetic contact tracing team resulting in over 800 deaths.

                    If what you said was true, it would have been the same in other states, and it clearly wasn't….

                    Melbourne was also the most locked down city on the whole planet over the last 2 years thanks to Dan.

      • +1

        The one posted isn't legal in Tasmania on public roads. You'd need something like this thought for the hills in Launceston :)

        It's much like mine, excapt I have a bigger battery. Can take them on the train as well, I do. I ride it all the time, and sold the car last year here in Qld, mine. Fuel prices you say ? Lets hope fuel prices double and more people start to cycle and scoot and we get way better PT.

        • -1

          The one posted isn't legal in Tasmania on public roads.

          Yes it is. Electric scooters out of the box will only do 25km and you must change the firmware for them to go faster. The speed limit on public roads in Tas is 25km and we're less restricted than Qld.

          • @Clear: You will also find there is a Watts limit

            so no it isn't.

            A quick google search showed …

            with a max power output of 200W

            there is also a physical size limit


            we're less restricted than Qld.

            Not for scooters you aren't. Seems VERY similar to me.

            so it perhaps exceeds that as well

            • @ruprectaus: 250W applies to ebikes only. Always the NSWers who get mad about eScooters.

              • @Clear: but its not just watts is it ?

                According to the specs, the weight and the size both exceed the legal size for road rideable scooter. So I stand by the comment its illegal to ride on the road in Tasmanian, as it is in Qld

                I am not suggesting for a minute people don't but they should be aware its illegal, then make their own decision after that.

                • +1

                  @ruprectaus: Interesting enough the rentals exceed the length but when I went looking in the road act there's no mention of weight or length.

                  • +1

                    @Clear: Maybe you didn't look far enough ?


                    is less than 125cm long, 70cm wide and 135cm high

                    The specs for that scooter state

                    1345mm (L) X 556mm (W) X 1253mm (H)

                    It also exceeds the weight limit of 45kg according to the specs, Qld has a more generous 60kg limit (I am only going off the specs)

                    It's also why i got a Kaboo Mantis Pro (18 months 2500km) and not a Wolf Warrior, the Wolf Warrior looks illegal at a glace :) the Mantis Pro looks a little like the one in the OP, a more "traditional scooter" hopefully attracting less attention from the police but it can still do 60km/hr with me on it but both the one in the OP and my Mantis Pro are illegal on the road/walking paths in Tasmania and Qld. Qld you are also not allowed to use cycle paths that are on roads (on cycle paths that are dual pedestrian/cycle) BUT they are proposing to change that law

                    • @ruprectaus: You haven't linked the road rules lawyer.

                      • +1

                        @Clear: If you have a device that exceeds the PMD dimensions (125cm long, 70cm wide, 135 cm high or 45 kilograms in weight) or can go faster than 25km/h when powered by the motor on level ground, the device is a motor vehicle. Therefore, the device would not be a PMD, and would need to meet licensing and registration requirements. A motor vehicle must not be driven on public streets if it is not registered.

                        • @bongom: Still waiting on the road act Victorian lawyer.

    • +2

      Probably why it wasn't posted to OzMelbGain

  • Branded or unbranded battery?

    • +1

      They're going to be CN cells. Given the sub-$3000 price for a 60V scooter I wouldn't expect LG or Samsung battery cells. If it was a 52V scooter then yes you'd definitely be getting LG battery cells like the Dragon Raptor Pro.

      • +1

        They're going to be CN cells.

        Copernicium ???

        It's isotopes are highly radioactive

        • +1

          That's Cn to you…

          • @ColdFusion: Fleischmann or Pons ?

            • @jv: Wish I could say I was either man. I'm just s BSc Hons (Chemistry) pleb

              • @ColdFusion: What does a BSc Hons (Chemistry) pleb do to pay the bills?

                • @jv: well the pleb part is not part of the degree, but to answer the question he retrains to become a teacher

                  • +2


                    but to answer the question he retrains to become a teacher

                    that would have been my guess…

                    unfortunately, Australia is not really the 'smart' country anymore and does not invest anywhere near as much as they should in the sciences…

  • 60km/h on it. Holey moley would hate to go flying of it as that speed

    • -1

      Without a helmet…

    • +1

      Having gone up to about 50km legally on mine I have to say it's very windy and a lot of fun. Wouldn't want to crash at that speed despite all the protective gear I wear.

  • +2

    Do we have to have the lawyer in every electric scooter post!

    Alright we get it, we know the laws, we are all grown ups and take our own responsibilities ffs

    • +4

      we are all grown ups and take our own responsibilities


    • +1

      I'd make a list of armchair escooter lawyers in every post but I'd probably be done for personal attack.

      There is one thing they all have in common. They're all from Victoria and NSW.

      • +1

        They're just trying to enforce the exact laws they are complaining about.

        • -1

          Jealousy is the correct word. NSW residents are finally getting their escooter trial at least.

  • I’ve seen many of these higher powered Scooters with suspension etc. in Greater Melbourne including the CBD.

    I am pretty sure that most cops won’t do anything, unless they need to meet their kpi’s for the week or are in a bad mood.

    Not to mention the Line scooter trial is happening as well.

  • I you buy it, practice the line.

    That’s not a scooter, this is a scooter!

  • Buy a road bike, don't be lazy.

    Seriously though, there's so many kids flying around on these without helmets on. Police don't seem too bothered. I think they should be legal but the fact they aren't (VIC), and it isn't policed, too many choose to be flippant with safety. Seems a tragic circumstance is inevitable and may ruin it for everyone.

    • We will ditch our cars for bikes too.

    • Extra time for showering and packing a spare pair of clothes for work, can't be bothered.

      Agreed with the dimwits without helmets though. However I still see an equal amount of idiots riding push bikes on cycle paths/roads, there are dumbass riders on each side.

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