Melbourne Football Club (AFL) Will Rebrand Itself as Narrm Football Club

Melbourne Football Club will rebrand itself as Narrm Football Club for the 2022 AFL Sir Doug Nicholls Round and AFLW Indigenous Round celebrations.…

Narrm, the Aboriginal name for Melbourne, comes from Woi Wurrung, the language spoken by the traditional owners of the city and its surrounds…Alongside celebrating and educating on Australia’s Indigenous history, the rebranding is designed to generate awareness and encourage productive conversations among the Demons’ member and supporter base.

For the stated purpose, I think this is probably a good initiative.
There are obvious marketing strategies behind it as well, but I don't think this will upset anyone?


  • +2

    Narrm demons. Is that demonic?

    • -7

      You touched on a pet hate of mine. This totally unnecessary 'need' to give a sporting team a mascot / name.
      I don't mind nicknames that are born from general public use (e.g. Gunners for Arsenal), but to promote them by the sport governing body seems to me to be just a marketing thing.

  • I don't think this will upset anyone?

    It will. I think we all can anticipate some specifics.

    • I actually can't think of any reasons why someone would get upset.

      • +2

        I'm sure the words "liberty" or "freedom" will be twisted somehow.

        • +1

          Sorry, but you have completely lost me there. No idea what you mean.

  • +3

    The AFL should set-up and fund a Darwin team (to go in with a Tassie team), with an Aboriginal identity and focus.

    • I fully support NT and Tas having teams in the AFL competition, but having an Aboriginal identity and focus for a sporting team shouldn't be related to the team's home base. I'm pretty sure that there are Aboriginal people all across this country.

      I'm not even sure why we should have a specific team with an ongoing Aboriginal identity and focus.

    • +1

      There's not enough talent going around for 18 teams let alone 20. We already have poor skill level games. We should be culling teams and concentrating the talent. Not spreading it even thinner. Would get a better spectacle. But the bean counters never see it that way

      • I agree, but perhaps you have assumed that the comments re supporting having teams from NT and from Tas would be additional teams.

        Maybe it is time to cull a couple of the low-performing teams.
        Or introduce a couple of divisions, with promotion / relegation.

    • Doesn’t sound very inclusive

  • +2

    narmsayn yeh

    • +2

      I dont know what you are saying

  • +6

    As a massive long time Melbourne supporter who has seen it all, I think this is a wonderful thing.

    We have had many aboriginal players to wear the red & blue over the years and it is fantastic to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land with this name change for the indigenous round.


    • +3

      Purely out of interest, and I know this is pushing the envelope, would you (as a long time supporter) oppose or support that to be a permanent name change for the club?

      • +3

        Preferably I would like Melbourne Football Club to continue, but I wouldn't mind seeing Naarm permanently scribed on our jumper.
        Similar to how Brisbane Lions still have F.F.C on the back

      • +1

        I was really impressed with this:

  • Needs a poll added for 'care factor'.

    • +4

      Not required; people can determine from the title if they want to read further or not.

      • IMHO needed as title doesn't include the 'why'.

        • The link is provided, which explains the 'why'.
          But if you have asked yourself 'why', then you likely have some level of care factor.

  • +1

    So theres the Carne 'Pies and the Naan Demons? very multicultural.

  • -1

    Surprised and impressed that the word 'woke' is not in the thread replies anywhere :)
    Some people must be taking the day off.

  • +1

    Why not rename it permanently ? I’m outraged!

  • -1

    Love this and think it should be permanent! Briggs made the point of suggesting that they should change the sponsors on guernsey's for this round to be indigenous owned businesses as well.

    • +1

      That is a great idea. I agree with the advertising!

    • I would support a permanent name change.
      I would also support the removal of advertising from guernseys.

      • +1

        Interesting that I'm being negged, but also not surprised. People are fine to go on about 'woke culture' not achieving something but when you suggest something that actually has outcomes and makes a difference all of a sudden it's too far. Go figure.

  • -1

    Bit off topic but in his reply to the Budget the opposition leader said the following.
    "I believe it’s a privilege to share this vast continent with the oldest continuous civilisation on earth."
    Can anyone help me and tell me to who he was referring to?

  • +1

    Sounds very PC and virtuous but not sure what it will actually achieve. Will make people feel good. I guess it's all about the feelies these days anyways. Well done MFC for making people's feelies feel good.

    If they wanted to make a real difference they should donate all their gate receipts to indigenous groups that make a real difference in our remote indigenous settlements.
    Come on MFC, step up.

    • Perhaps you didn't read the article. The intended outcomes are stated.
      You could also research what the club has done over recent years in remote settlements.

  • +1

    Great initiative. Whatever the motives behind it - and I think these are coming from a good place whatever others may think - it shines a light on the maintenance of indigenous languages which is a positive thing.

  • Pretty cool. I believe Geelong put Djilang on their indigenous guernsey the last couple of years. I'd be happy for them to take it a step further and steal this idea going forward.

    • …and steal this idea…

      Of course, that would be the Geelong way! (joking)

      On the subject of changing names, some of us haven't forgotten the hysterical 'Whiskas' matter.

      • +1

        I grew up near Norlane and Corio. You don't have to put 'joking' for things that are VERY MUCH THE TRUTH!!!!

        Oh yeah! Personally I think Whiskas got dudded. He should have had to keep the name for longer than a week.

  • +1

    I personally don't have a problem with them changing names.

    But my question is who is pushing the name change I will be surprised if its the aboriginal community. As a whole they have more pressing issues.

    A mate of mine who is a member of the the Gunaikurnai which is basically east gippsland (regional Victoria) isnt impressed as he considers it just a feel good exercise so the woke community can pat each other on the back instead of addressing real issues.

    • I don't have a problem with that perspective.
      Others would say that any step, or increase in the level of recognition, is better than none (or, in this case, just running with the same 'feel good' actions every year).

      For clarity, I am not a Melbourne member (although I like the way they play the game), but they are doing a lot more than just this; a lot of it at a lower level of visibility.

    • My thoughts exactly. It's windrow shopping the real issues at best.

      • At least there has been some engagement:

        …the club worked closely with the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation to gain invaluable knowledge and permission of Narrm’s use…

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