This was posted 2 years 10 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] NieR: Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition $25.62 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $69 Spend) @ Amazon UK via AU

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An older PS4 game, but this seems to be the best price for the disc version if you have a prime sub and cheaper than the best sales on the digital ps4 game of the Game of the YoRHa Edition $27.47.…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • For anyone who's played this series before, should I start with this game or Nier Replicant?

    • +9

      I’d start with this.
      I played Automata first and enjoyed it just fine.
      While Replicant (the original) came out first, the remake kept a lot of the old school designs (e.g., fetch quests) that haven’t quite aged well.
      Replicant is absolutely a great game regardless and I wholeheartedly recommend you play both, but Automata feels like a better entry point to me.

      • +4

        Second this opinion. Just play Automata and make sure you don't stop playing after the first "ending".

    • +1

      If you’re really dedicated, start with Drakengard on the ps2.

    • +1

      Either is fine really but if you're only going to play one, go with Automata. Its the one that shot the series from weird niche games into something very popular.

      Replicant is less ambitious and might seem like a step down in some ways but I really loved it's world and characters. It has a certain charm.
      I also think you'll get more out of Replicant's new ending (E) if you've played Automata first. It's a bit of a grind to get there though (you'll need a guide).

    • I don't think it really matters. While both have a connection, you can enjoy Automata perfectly well without the background knowledge.

      Likewise playing Automata doesn't spoil Replicant. If anything some moments can benefit from that prequel effect, but that would be up to individual tastes

  • Which version is better, PS4 or PC? I recall something about some versions didn't get critical patches.

    • I would say that it depends on your PC, if it's more powerful than a PS4 or not.

    • +1

      PS4 version used to be objectively better, but after waiting for ages, the pc version finally got patched last year and all major issues with the pc ports are now officially fixed. So I would say go with PC, especially if you buy on steam so you can always take advantage of the refund policy.

      • Even the steam version got patched?

        I remember reading a few months back only the game pass/ms store version got patched.

        • yh the steam version was the one that was behind, now it got patched and include other fixes.

  • +1

    The music in this game and original Nier / Nier Replicant is amazing and some of the story / narrative elements are quite innovative but I personally found the game dragged and the dialogue was quite cringeful.

  • I couldn’t quite get into the game but the music is amazing.

  • +4

    Just keep in mind that the DLC isn't on the disc but actually a download code. So if you have the base game already and have the dlc from the store buying this version is pointless.

    • What was the DLC again?

  • Waiting to see if this shows up on Playstation Plus Extra

  • +3

    One of the best gaming experiences available

    • How does it compare to, say… a train, which I could also afford?

  • +1

    Try go in to it without the expectations that you may have from online feedback.
    I found it a genuinely average game - great music and ok combat (and great butts), but it's not the second coming despite what some may say…

  • +2

    I coincidentally have just finished this game for the first time on the PC and I was absolutely blown away by the experience. Despite not being a super long campaign (50ish hours doing most sidequests and getting all the main ABCDE endings), it was really immersive and left me with the satisfying feeling of equal parts contentedness and loss (with a dash of confusion about wtf i just experienced and where to go on from here) like you get after marathoning your favourite book/tv series.

    The gameplay is really fun, and feels quite fluid with super sleek and satisfying animations that makes you want to just go and beat up ever single mob, or run around and parkour. The story itself isn't the most mindblowing thing like some reviews would have you believe, but the themes and the context you discover and build through the quests and interactions you have throughout the campaign (especially if you continue on for the E ending) all build up and coalesce into a really immersive and thought-provoking experience.

    I keep calling it an 'experience' because I feel like you couldn't really present the story and themes like you do without it being part of a video game format, and even so the way the game flips the script and samples different genres and mediums really does give in an "art-like" quality that I don't feel is captured very often in video games.

    It's not perfect and there are some areas that falter or drag on, but i would happily take those faults knowing the overall package and journey nier automata takes you on (Just please don't start the game on hard. Start it on Normal and change it to hard after the prologue if you really want).

    I'd recommend this game for anyone looking for some stylish action style gaming that will leave you questioning your humanity.

    • how was pc performance, any issue?

      • No issues on my end. For the longest time there were reports of the PC port being unoptimized, and people were using a fan-patch to hit 60fps stable, but in July of last year they released and official patch that has supposedly sorted all the unresolved issues.

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