I was told that I can only get xxx gas company when I moved in couple of years ago. Looking at my bills recently, I am starting to think if that's really fair. There are other companies that give much better rates than my current one. I have the flexibility to change my Internet/Electricity companies, so why not gas?
I do understand that multiple companies can provide internet and electricity through same cables, but gas is a physical substance that needs to be transferred through pipes.
How does it work for switching gas for normal households? Do they disconnect your pipeline from current provider, and connect to their service? (not physically, but probably some switches?)
Internet I understand, my modem knows which company to connect to, and filter out the rest (assuming it's all being shared on same cable?). I could be wrong as last time NBN guy had to come and fix some issues by looking at building cables, not located in my apartment.
Electricity Meter, I really don't understand. I wouldn't think there is a different cable for each apartment… I would assume one big cable connecting to my whole building, and every company feeding to it, and then they read the meter and decide how much to bill you, even if I could be using electricity from a company my neighbour is using, and my neighbour could be using mine?
Why can't the same be done for Gas?
I really need to read and understand the way our infrastructure works.
I still think it's not fair I can't switch Gas.
Looks like you need to do more research on how gas is supplied in your building/city based on the details in the post.