Do you use the Twitter feed?

At the moment, the OzBargain Twitter account tweets all new deals posted to OzBargain.

(Personally, I'm not the biggest Twitter user and with some people I follow, it feels like it's a bit of information overload. I prefer to use the RSS feeds via Google Reader to see new deals.)

I guess I pose the question of what do Twitter users want to see from OzBargain? Something similar to Facebook where the popular deals are posted as well as some manual Facebook updates? Something non-automated? Let us know.

EDIT: I should make it clear, we aren't removing or changing things. If people are happy with the Twitter account as is, then that's great!


  • Information overload indeed. But that's Twitter. I "follow" around 150 other Twitter users, and @ozbargain usually occupies 1/3 of my Twitter stream. However I do agree that people use Twitter a bit differently than RSS, Facebook or Google+ — they want real time stuff. These are the ones who know that you should not refresh the New Deals page every 30 seconds, but instead they wait for Twitter to push the updates to them.

    As far as I can see there's no much "conversation" going on between @ozbargain and other Twitter users (probably because most are aware @ozbargain is automated). There are still around 5,000+ followers so I presume many are really use it as real-time new deal notification?

    I guess the other question would be — anyone wish to converse with OzBargain moderators/admins on Twitter? Or prefer to keep the conversations here, on Facebook and Google+, and leave Twitter feed just for deal posting?


    • OzBargain pretty much updates its Twitter status right after a deal is posted. It would remove a tweet if a deal has been unpublished by the moderator.
    • OzBargain automatically updates its Facebook feed at least once a day, either the most popular deal for that day, or deals with > 50 votes.
    • OzBargain currently does not automatically update its Google+ profile.
  • +1

    Twitter is for real time, whereas I use RSS for less time critical stuff. If I didn't have the updates in Twitter I would miss deals with short expiries.

    Please keep the current twitter account the same & create a new one to use for other purposes.

    • I concur entirely.

  • I use twitter while on the move and RSS while I'm on my 'proper' computer. If i see anything on twitter that interests me, I'll jump onto the website. Save me some mobile bandwidth.

    I agree that the current twitter account should be kept as is, and create a new one for other purposes.

  • Please, please, please do NOT reduce the number of your deal tweets! As mentioned above, Twitter is information overload no matter what you do if you follow lots of users, so leave it up to personal taste as to whether follow OzBargain or not. I love following in real time rather than going to your webpage sporadically through the day.

  • Sorry, I didn't make it clear. We aren't changing or getting rid of the Twitter account. Just wondering if we can add other things to it or another account for popular posts, human tweets etc. Seems everyone is happy as it is so maybe we'll leave it at that.

    EDIT: By feed, I mean Twitter account.

    • +1

      Yes, I misunderstood, apologies. Absolutely keep the existing feed as it is. I would be interested in more content, too, whether by adding to @ozbargain or creating a new Twitter feed. Probably prefer the latter.

  • +1

    We have taken feedbacks from the community, and have created a Twitter page on Wiki listing OzBargain's current Twitter accounts.

    @OzBargain — This is the old Twitter account that has been around for almost 5 years. It will continue to tweet on "all" the new deals posted, except (1) deals from overseas posters currently don't generate a tweet to cut down the number of twitter spams, and (2) unpublished deals also will have their tweet removed. Nothing has changed on this one.

    @OzBargainFree — This account will retweet all the freebies from the main @ozbargain account. So if you are only interested in the freebies, follow this account instead.

    @OzBargainHot — This account will retweet all the deals that reach the default number of votes to get onto the front page (current 20 votes). It will retweet as soon as it reached 20 votes. If you think the main @ozbargain account is too busy, having too many status updates, etc, and if you are only interested at good deals, follow this one instead. Just remember that retweets are delayed in this one as you'll only get the tweet when it reaches the front page.

    @OzBargainBuzz — Follow this one if you want to communicate with OzBargain on Twitter. We'll posting updates, interesting forum discussions, buzz and muzz here.

    Now fire up your favourite Twitter client and FOLLOW!

  • Hello - fwiw, I am please mostly about the addition of @OzBargainBuzz. I follow Twitter closely whilst at work, because I don't have time to trawl through websites and forums for tasty tidbits. Getting a Twitter feed on your hot forum topics, etc is cool.

  • How's everyone getting notifications on their iOS5 for new @OzBargain tweets? My Twitter app will only push notification when:

    • people mention me in a tweet
    • people retweet my tweet
    • people favourite my tweet
    • I get new followers
    • I get direct messages

    I do not get push notification for new tweets from @OzBargain. Is this possible on the Twitter app?

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