This was posted 2 years 10 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Lindt Lindor or Excellence 100g Blocks $2ea (Min Order $25 & Free Delivery with $25+ Spend) @ Lindt


Selected Lindt blocks are 50% off and combine with 20% off code.

Original coupon deal thanks to TopBargains
20% Off all Lindt Products + Free Shipping

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Lindt Australia
Lindt Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    Whats the best flavour?

    • +1

      dark >
      cranberry >
      orange+almonds > chilli > raspberry

    • +6

      Lindt Excellence 90% dark is my fave.

      I thought I didn't like any dark chocolate until I tried it.

      "Normal" chocolate is only around 20 or 30 percent cocoa solids (cocoa powder, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, etc). That's the delicious flavourful creamy stuff that makes chocolate, chocolate.

      But then they "water" it down with cheap milk powder and sugar.

      Lindt 90% dark is just "real" chocolate, with just a little sugar added (that's the 10%) so the bitterness doesn't overwhelm the chocolate taste.

      It's incredibly smooth and rich.

      • +3

        I agree, I love the 90% dark :)
        If you like sweet (milk/choc) this won't for you, however.
        What a deal!

      • +2

        It's like a pure black hit of expresso. Very heady experience, very good.

      • +8

        85% is the perfect balance- all the flavour minus the sugar and after taste

      • +4

        But iirc the 90% is alkalysed coco or something. It loses all its potency. The 85% is not alkalyzed iirc so is actually better if you want the full experience. Or maybe its 95% vs 90% i cant remember which.

        Edit. Its the 85% that isnt alkalyzed. Everything above 85% is…

    • +4

      Whats the best flavour?


  • +13
  • +3

    I got 13 of red one

  • +2


  • +4

    These chocolates make great hot chocolates with our Bambino plus. Break up a couple of squares and they melt whilst you are frothing the milk.

    • +2

      Thank you thank you I've been whisking my chocolate into milk on the stove like a madman while my bambino plus sits in the cupboard.

      • +2

        Just make sure you break the squares into little pieces.

        • +2

          Today you have succeeded, try2bhelpful.

  • +1

    Some are OOS 🙁

  • +2

    Surprised this coupon code hasn't been expired yet as it has been around since November last year.

  • +1

    Do these deals for the Lindt choclate happen every year?

    Its really tempting to buy now but im trying to lose weight atm

    howcome the 90% 100g is $2.50

    But the 99% 50g is $2.50

    thats like double the price for extra 9% cocoa? surely it wouldnt cost that much to account for some extra 9% cocoa ( profit and extra costs)

    • Its really tempting to buy now but im trying to lose weight atm

      Don't buy them then…

      • +1


    • +1

      You can just get the Coles/Woolies deal at 2.25 - will happen more regularly.

      • +1

        I can't recall the last time they were below 2.50, probably before covid

      • +4

        They go on promo for this price twice per year. Source: work for Lindt

  • +2… is where its at!
    2.5 KG (200) of mixed Lindt balls delivered for $100.
    Mother's day sorted all round!

    • +4

      Going by grams, that's $4/100g where as this deal is $2/100g

      • also lindt balls are overrated

        they wrappers look pretty tho

    • +4

      But Safeway has 333gm for $10, so Safeway is a better deal?…

      • +4

        This voucher for 20% reduces the price to $80 for 2.5kg and there are a wider range of flavours included, for $32/kg including free delivery. Woolworths is $33/kg for a limited set of included flavours and delivery not included.

        • +2

          My comment was more towards "sircable's" comment about the Lindor balls; this deal (bars) looks good though and thanks for the maths comparison.

  • +3

    Thanks mate! Got 13 blocks and free shipping for $26.

  • +2

    I used to love the pink grapefruit ones. Hate that they stopped making them. So tangy with the dark choc

  • +2

    I always find it amazing that Lindt produce six variations between 70% and 99% cocoa.

  • +1

    Amazing deal! Got 25 blocks :)

  • +3

    I usually (at least 10 times for the past 3 years) buy 15-20 blocks with the 90% cocoa at Woolworths, Coles or Harris Farm, when they are $2.50 or $2.25 or sometimes $2. Only once they were with expired date but still super fine.
    90% rules because low sugar and amazing taste. Also some of the 70% or 75% or 78% have a preservative or at least some kind of lecithin (could mess with the skin on the face), which is not the case with the pure 90%!
    Highly recommend!

    • +3

      So you're the other person buying all the 90% chocolate when it goes on sale! I moved up to 95% a few years back.

  • +3

    Sorry Aldi, moving to Lindt :) 13 blocks ordered, thanks OP

  • +3

    I go with 85% as their >=90% bars are dutch processed and I don't like that flavour. There are also claims that dutch processing (washing in alkaline solution of potassium carbonate) destroys some health benefits of dark chocolate but I'm not sure if they are true.

    • +2

      That’s talking about it when it’s in powder form (and you’re comparing cacao powder to cocoa powder). By the time it gets to bar form any benefits are pretty much gone

      It’s like the dark choc and red wine antioxidant arguments. Yes they do have them but when you take the end product as a whole, any health benefits they contain (eg antioxidant) are outweighed by the bad (sugar, fat, alcohol).

      I absolutely love both dark chocolate and red wine (the bigger, the darker, the better) and any claims about health benefits need to be taken with a Silo of salt. Yes they may possess some but, and it’s a very big but, the benefits are outweighed by the negatives of what you get. Taken together you’re better off not consuming them

      Long story short if you love them l, enjoy them for what they are and don’t for a second try to kid yourself that there’s health benefits

      • +4

        Excellent points. It’s an old article, but I think the sentiment still stands

        Belinda Linden, Head of Medical Information at the BHF, said: "Advising people to eat chocolate regularly for their hearts' sake is a reckless message that people should ignore.

        "Yes, chocolate contains flavonoids. However, most chocolate bars contain high levels of saturated fats and sugar that contribute to high cholesterol levels, obesity and coronary heart disease.…

  • Oh, the Swiss chocolate for peasants. Not even made in Switzerland.

    • +3

      Better to be a peasant with chocolate than without!

    • +2

      Tastes nice and a good price.

      …aaaaaand I don't need to share it with any snobs.

      • +1

        Frey is available in major supermarkets. It is often cheaper than lindt (I managed to get bars for $1.20-1.30 when reduced).
        And it is a real Swiss chocolate. Made in Switzerland.
        But it's not as widely advertised, so peasants don't know it.

        • +4

          It's also significantly poorer quality than Lindt, but sure, a reasonable bargain if you want a cheaper compromise that is better than Cadbury and friends.

          • +1

            @bloomer: How do chocolate experts rate Lindt chocolate?
            Many chocolate experts and connoisseurs think that Lindt chocolate is very bad. Their plain 70% and 85% bars are overly bitter, caused by the use of low quality cacao beans with high content of alkaloids. In addition the bitterness is increased even more and combined with a burnt flavour as the beans are roasted very hard, and then these notes are attempted covered up by adding too much vanilla flavouring. Both of these are to ensure consistency in the bars as well as to hide any potentially bad flavours that might be caused by mould or other problems with the cacao beans they use, which again is a result of using low quality beans that might not have been sorted or graded properly.
            This means that Lindt chocolate tastes mostly of vanilla with a side of bitter and burnt to experts, and if you took the bitter and burnt out it would probably still taste bland and bad due to their use of low quality and contaminated cacao beans.

            • +4

              @Musiclover: Well I, for one, quite enjoy all that mould, burnt cocoa beans and excess vanilla. :)

              I've tried Frey's and found it a bit like eating a block of Combantrin chocolate-flavoured worming medicine.

              • +1

                @tophorus: Don't get me wrong. Frey is only fair, not great. But it is a real Swiss chocolate unlike Lindt. I only referred to it because some peasants said they can not afford anything more expensive than lindt.

                • +3

                  @Musiclover: I'm not fussy about where my chocolate is from, I just focus on how it tastes to my fairly unfussy tastebuds. I've tried most of the supermarket-available ones at one point or another (Frey, Greens, Darrell Lea, Cadbury, Guylian, etc.) and I always come back to Lindt when it's a decent price.

                  I've heard that a lot of chocolate made for Australian climates (e.g. Cadbury) contain chemicals to avoid them melting in warmer temperatures, and I don't know if it's that or other manufacturing / ingredient choices, but I find those chocolates tend to be less smooth and less refined than Lindt.

            • +1

              @Musiclover: When European "expert" reviewers complain about Lindt, they are talking about the normal Lindt chocolate, that you can get in Europe.

              In Australia, though, you can't even get that. We only have the more fancy premium stuff, "Lindt Excellence" and "Lindor", which are good quality.

  • +1

    has the deal expired - coupon code invalid error?

  • +1

    I'm getting coupon invalid and still getting charged delivery at $35 worth of chocolate :(

  • +3

    I'm getting

    LINDTFRENZY20 Coupon code is not valid.

    and seeing minimum spend for free shipping as $100

  • +1

    Too many out of stock it seems

  • +6

    Lindt got Ozbargained.

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