Cat Broke His Leg, Vet Wants $10,000

My cat broke his leg (tibia) on Saturday morning. Since then there has a been a lot of misleading information said to us from the hospital we took him to the same day. We were quoted an orignal price over the phone but that has now blown up to minimum $10000. They said they could do the surgery straight away but then after us paying a $4k deposit, they said they don't have the correct pin size. I do have vet insurance which will cover 70% but it's still going to be out of pocket a lot.

I'm just wondering has anyone had a cat or dog break their leg and how much did you have to pay?


Since some people mistook the whole meaning of this post I will clarify that I got him into our local vet within half an hour of the accident who did xrays and confirmed the break. Then I took him to this particular hospital immediately after because it was the only hospital that said they could do the surgery that day or next - but after doing their own xrays they said they didn't have the exact size pins/needles they needed for such a small cat. Not once have I said I am holding off the surgery and the only question I asked in my post was out of curiosity what other people had paid.

Surgery was Tuesday which all went well and we took him home Wednesday afternoon. He has a massive bandage, 3 pins coming out of his leg and has to wear a collar for the next 6-8 weeks.


    • so after the gasket was replaced does it purr or growl

      • Once it is fixed, it'll be a rumble.

        • subaru?

  • +1

    minus 90 for afoveht on one post - is that the record?

  • Excerpt from Donnie Darko:

    Donnie : Why should I mourn for a rabbit like it was human?

    Karen Pommeroy : Are you saying that the death of one species is less tragic than another?

    Donnie : Of course. The rabbit's not like us. It has no history books, no photographs, no knowledge of sorrow or regret. I mean, I'm sorry, Miss Pommeroy. Don't get me wrong. You know, I like rabbits and all. They're cute and they're horny. And if you're cute and you're horny, then you're probably happy that you don't know who you are or why you're even alive. You just wanna have sex as many times as possible before you die. I just don't see the point in crying over a dead rabbit, you know, who never even feared death to begin with.

    Basically I don't care that much about a cat to give it expensive surgery when I could just get another.

  • +1

    I love my pets to bits and it would pain me very much to say no but $10k would be a stretch for me to spend on them for surgery. That's money I might need to spend on keeping my human family alive and healthy. People going around calling others horrible human beings for not wanting to spend that much on a pet have clearly never faced real hardship. But then, so far, I've avoided what I'd class as real hardship too.

  • -4

    I assuming you simply can't afford it and you have a conscience. I'd recommend you put the cat down and donate $1000 to a humanitarian crisis instead to aleviate your guilt. Next time get pet insurance.

    As much as I love animals, human suffering shouldn't be equalised against animal suffering. They are not the same.

    • +1

      You're right, they're not the same. There's nearly 8 billion of us, statistically people are more replaceable than cats. Also most humanitarian crises are the result of human stupidity/greed. I'd drop $10,000 on the cat and shed a tear for whatever crisis is in fashion at the time.

      • -1

        Fair point, I wasn't the most empathetic with my remarks and I can see where you're coming from. We shouldn't just forget about everyone less fortunate than us and only worry about people and animals we personally know though.

      • There's nearly 8 billion of us, statistically people are more replaceable than cats.

        This doesn't make any sense at all. You can't just buy a new person… haha

  • +5

    Mums a vet. Once saw her pin our chicken's broken leg with a power drill and a nail. Cost a few cents.

    She also put our cat down because it scratched her and told me it got hit by a truck.

  • +2

    Revealing you're about to spend thousands of dollars on a cat on a site where people spam deals on $1 grocery items…already knew this would be an interesting thread, lol.
    I don't get some of these responses, his money, he can spend it how he sees fit. There's people out there spending 10s of thousands of dollars+ on coke and hookers. Spending a few thousand to keep a pet you've bonded with alive isn't that huge a deal.

  • +2

    Recovering well x

  • -1

    It's mind blowing it can cost this much to fix up a cats leg.

    Seriously how much actual time does this take. The vet makes $5k an hour??

  • If there was any risk of me becoming so attached to a pet that I would blow thousands of dollars on it then I would never risk buying one in the first place.

  • +3

    Vets actually don't make a lot of money at all. I'd say this is pretty standard. We are not used to what medical things cost in Australia due to human healthcare subsidies. No subsidies in vet medicine :(

  • +1

    Hi OP, how is the cat now? How did it happen? I have two kittens, one bordering on 1yo and another at 8months. I don't have pet insurance as I figured they'd be safe for the time being as they are indoor only.

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