I broke the hinge on my Asus Zenbook - any way to fix it?

I'm heading out to buy epoxy glue now. Would that work? Or should I send it to a repair shop? Other than the hinge, the laptop still works fine.

I spent about $1k for this laptop it's a 14" i5 256/8gb model weighing around 1.3kg. I really like the laptop (it's less than 3 years old) and can't seem to find any at similar price point for the same specs. Any recommendations for a replacement laptop or sales coming up? Am very broke (and fed up that none of my laptops ever last long!) Should I just bite the bullet and switch to Macbook Air M1? I want a laptop that lasts maybe 5 years - is that asking for too much?


  • +4

    Surely you can just replace the hinge? Look up some guide and buy replacement parts if not just send it into a repair shop. Replacing the laptop itself seems over the top, especially when you are low in funds.

  • +2

    What did you find when you did a search for "asus zenbook broken hinge"? I saw a lot.
    5 years? Not too much to ask - my Macbook Air has just ticked over 11 years and is used regularly. I've replaced the battery a couple of months ago and the caps lock and tab keys have just stopped working but I never use them so don't care. Still works as good as new.
    5 years from a similarly prices Windows laptop - dreaming.

    • +1

      5 years from a similarly prices Windows laptop - dreaming.

      What makes you say that? I have several different windows laptops kicking around at home that are older than that. I still use my skylake-era dell latitude daily, more than enough power for what I need, ram/storage upgrades over the years, bright 1080p screen, it's great.

    • 5 years from a similarly prices Windows laptop - dreaming.

      My used and abused x230t would like a word with you.

  • Have you tried duct tape and matches?

  • Look up electronic repair school on YouTube

  • +1

    Without any photos, best guess is that the hinge itself is not broken; they are usually metal and very robust.

    Speculating here, but what I think happened is the screw mount holding the hinge to the lcd back cover has broken off.

    In which case, what you need replaced is not the hinge, but the lcd back cover itself.

    New part should be easy to find, as it's in it's midlife cycle, and the repair is not too difficult if you know what you are doing.

    Youtube should have plenty of videos if you search your brand, model + teardown.

    • +1

      Yes you are right! The screws have come off and the plastic they are attached to (part of the lcd back cover) are chipped off. There aren't any parts to buy and I freaked out at the thought of replacing the whole LCD cover.

      In the end I used super glue to glue the screws back to the cover and it's holding up well now.

      • +1

        Glad to hear, but just to let you know, this is just a temporary fix.

        The glue won't hold forever. It will still need replacing eventually.

        I find that opening the laptop with 2 hands supporting the bottom of the lcd where the hinges are would prolong the lifespan of the lcd cover, or in this case, your superglue fix.

        Edit: Noticed you are in WA.


        If Osbourne Park is not too far, might be worth dropping in and asking them if they can help.

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