TechFast Build - NVIDIA Driver Issue

I have a TechFast PC build with Galax GTX 1660 graphics card. I could never get this card working for a long time. It's always disabled by windows with the error 43 (Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems code 43). I have tried every resolution on internet with no success.

Has any of you experienced this issue at all? If so, could you please advise how you resolved it?

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  • Is there another computer you can put it in, to check if it is a hardware or software issue.

    • unfortunately I don't have another computer to try it.

  • Checked the hardware side? Power cable in snugly? Correctly in PCIe slot?

    Is it still under warranty, or have you left it too long to send back?

    • -1

      I tried re-seating the graphics card, but no luck.
      It's almost 2 years since I received the build from techfast. Not sure whether it's still covered under warranty. My bad I left this for long.

  • Is the warranty still valid? If not, I suggest you try to take it apart and use a hair dryer to keep heating the chip (VRAMs) around the core for 5 mins. If that doesn't work, try heating it for longer maybe 10mins. It may or may not resolve the issue, good luck.
    There might be some chips may have been welded due to some bumps in transit, especially VRAMs.

  • Could try totally removing the nvidia drivers and starting again.
    .note one outcome for this error is a faulty card…

    At least they are coming down in price now

  • Sounds like its faulty, i had an old card that had the same problem, a 8800gtx ,needed warranty.

  • Had same issue with a rx580, tried everything… fixed with clean install of windows

  • I'm no expert but i believe the hardware can have all different types of warranty periods (not with techfast ofcourse) but manufacturer warranty. May be worth checking the period for the GPU.

  • Thank you all. I've contacted TechFast to assist me on this. I will update this thread with the outcome.

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