I Can't Spend Money Properly

i am a kinda computer geeks.

and when I spend money on electronic devices. I don't care how much money I spend on those. I have desktop, laptop, macbook pro, iPad, iPhone, DSLR all re-newed for last 2 years and it's over 20k and I haven't hesitated at all.

Today I bought brandnew room furniture for the first time of my life. total only cost 1.7k and I feel I spent too much money on something not important. (used to stay parent's house / shared furnished rooms)

Then, I realized it's even less than 10% cost of what I spent on electronic devices.

I am unsure why I feel like that. maybe I know well about price of digital devices but not at all for furnitures.

Is there anyone like me? OR Am I super weird?


  • +12

    That’s ok, buddy. I do the same with motorbikes and parts…

    $10k for a bike I don’t need because I have 4 already… SOLD!
    $1k for some work to my house that it desperately needs… meh, I’ll think about it.

    • +3

      😊 thanks im feeling better

  • Yes

  • +5

    Your internalised value system, says you ain’t able to rationalise furniture over electronics.

    • interesting. it sounds correct

  • furniture is usually a thing no one thinks about, especially if you've never had your own before, it's just there all the time, so it can come as a shock when you have to spend a lot of money on it.

    technology is in your blind spot because you enjoy using it

    • it's was a real shock.. the quality furniture my parents use will not be affordable for me un next 20 years.

  • +2

    I try to spend money in a way that gives me the biggest improvement in my quality of life. So if I have and iPhone 12 and spend 1k upgrading to iPhone 13 then I'm not getting very much improvement. If I use that money instead to buy a coffee machine, a memory foam mattress, or something that I didn't have before, then my purchase is doing more for me

    So if you didn't have good furniture before and now you do, then that's money well spent imo

    • good point. thanks. i guess the 1.7k furniture would be enough for me now. maybe save money for a while and buy a house first

  • +6

    I'm kinda like you - I go and spend hundreds or thousands on whatever I want and whenever I want. Then sometimes I go to Woolies and….. "damn, the oranges are now $4.90/kg instead of $3.90 it was yesterday"! I think twice before I buy it! haha

    • i used to get the cheapest $4 woolie 500ml plastic bottle spanish evoo

      now they cost more than local aussie evoo , what a joke

    • OMV exactly haha

      I don't buy bananas when it's over 3.5/kg

    • +1

      "This website is going to charge me $9 shipping? Screw this $300 order then, the value is all gone!"

      And then I go to work and spend $15 on coffee in a day instead of drinking the instant/pods.

      My partner and I have a rule, if it's over $100 we at least talk to each other first (assuming it's not essentials, groceries, medical, bills, etc). Usually that stops me buying it because explaining to someone else why I need a $300 lego set makes me sound like an idiot to myself.

      • +2

        i have this deal with my wife too. but she agreed and let me buy the $300 lego set and now i'm in shock because i spent $300 on lego AND my wife agreed with me!

        • … AND my wife agreed with me!

          The question is… what has your wife done that she's not telling you about? 🤔

  • I spend money on electronic devices.

    It more of a problem if its gambling / booze etc…

    • The money is gone either way.

      • There's some recovery cost if you decided to resell the electronics.
        But generally electronics do devalue rapidly so yeah, lots of money lost

  • +1

    $99 wooden sofa , $5,000 leather lounge set ….

    $50 PU handbag , $5,000 LV handbag

    $100 seiko , $10,000 rolex

    $20k yaris , $50k yaris GR

    your poison

  • I really don't think you have a problem until you are buying your racehorse their second yacht…

  • -1

    Life is short mate. There's nothing wrong to treat yourself.

    • +7

      The OP hints that he can't afford a house, so I guess pissing away 20K on distractions is not very wise and hints that the OP might have to get their priorities in order. If having the latest junk and upgrading it every year is more important than long term financial security then so be it. Does one REALLY need a desktop AND laptop AND a macbook AND an Ipad? Has the OP ever looked up long enough to see a tree or another human being?

      As for life being short, that may be true but do you want to spend that short time being broke and in debt with all the stresses that go with it or do you want to enjoy it (as best we can given the situation)?

      • i have all these things, except my desktop is about 7 years old, my macbook is 6 years old, and my laptop is 3 years old, ipad is 2 years old.

        no need to update these every year though

  • -1

    10k a year isn't bad at all. People spend that much on hobbies like tricking out their cars, or on holidays, or on flying around to see concerts all year. 10k a year to get all high quality tech and furniture that obviously gives you a lot of happiness, enhances your life. Could you imagine going back to a cheap Android that takes four times as long to load things, or budget windows laptop with cheap display and body made of plastic, or sitting on a second hand couch or a cheap one that feels cheap on your ass? Have you ever used a cheap Android tablet, it's like having brain damage compared to an iPad.

    I'd focus more on thinking about how you can earn an extra 20k a year compared to what you earn now.

  • -5

    i am a kinda computer geeks.

    Slight off-topic, but have you tried any of the following:

    • RAM Overclocking
    • Custom Liquid Cooling (Desktop/Laptop)
    • CPU Overclocking
    • Hackintosh
    • Android ROM/Root/Magisk/Safenet bypass
    • iOS jailbreak
    • XPENology
    • Other Home Server/Networking
    • EXSi / unRAID
    • Router OS/OpenWRT/DD-WRT etc
    • Laser Projectors
    • 240Hz Monitors
    • Mechanical Keyboards with switch modding
    • Mouse with precision sensors
    • IoT

    if you have played something that's not listed could you please elaborate? I am very curious about how you spend your 20k in the last 2 year and what have you played/enjoyed on when you spend your money on consumer electrics.

    • well I have done all but not XPENology and 240HZ Monitors. yeah I am probably not a geek anymore.

      I am just worming and not using much computer like before. currently working full time and plus my own game development just want to have good devices and buy a new thing like every 2 to 3 months.

      • +1

        why do you need new devices every 3 months? sounds like you have an addiction.

        and what are you doing with all the old stuff? storing it or selling it?

  • +4


    It will never fulfill you. It might give you an easy way to burn time though.

    • Yeah that was my first thought too. OP sounds like the classic consoomer archetype. Buy product, get excited for next product.

  • +1

    It's not that you cannot spend money right, you simply cannot prioritise what you need and differentiate with what you want. To you they are both one and the same.

  • OP, how old are you?

    I mean, if you're in your 20s, working as a casual and spending this type of money on stuff then yes, it's probably not a good idea.

    But if you're older and in a full time job, then its fine.

    This is coming from someone in their early 30s typing this out in a room full of video games.

    • AngryVideoGameNerd is that you?

      • That dude looks like an American Sean Lock (rip)

  • Sit down and make a budget where you decide how you will spend your money (or save or donate) then follow it. No need to feel weird because you have already considered everything and made a decision. You can review and amend your budget as needed.

    Main thing is just deciding what proportion of your income goes to food, accomodation, travel, utilities, furniture, digital devices, etc.

  • +2

    I have about 50k of house repairs than really need to be done. Yet I'll spend a chunk of my day reading reviews of EV's that cost 55k+ that I'll never buy…..

  • -1

    This is why you don't have a house.
    The youth of today want all the latest gadgets and bubble tea every day. Lol

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