Hi fellow OzBer,
After gathered as much information as I can from OzB and reddit, I am finally building my first custom PC.
I have bought most of the parts from OzB deals, except the CPU cooler and thermal paste (just checked the thermal paste is now $6 and I bought it for $14…shameful)
In the middle of process, I almost gave up because often I see pre-built PC going for at least $200 cheaper, but I thought it can be a good experience for myself so I continued my journey without thinking too much.
The cost for just the PC itself comes to about 1.6k. Special thanks to OzB community for making this possible.
Here is the build on pcpartpicker(au.pcpartpicker.com)
I be grateful for your opinion on my first build so I can learn from my mistakes.
Many thanks.
welp, just got a G3223d. The build is now close to 2.2k…
Vetroo cooler is pbbly slightly better than the amd cooler that comes with the cpu, propably better off just using that
Everything else is good