On sale from 9th May. Also have 4-packs of 250ml V Energy drinks at only $4.61 (half price).
Capilano Honey 375g Twist & Squeeze Bottle $2.49 at Coles (Save $2.50)

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Everyone wants a "cheap" honey
This deserves much more than 3 +ve votes
Honey + V = sugar high… I wonder if tastes any good?
Uncle tobys musli bars & roll ups are also half price $1.99
Frozen Raspberries half price $2.72
Mars Bars half price 81c
Pancake shake half price $1.45
White wings choc cake half pricee $1.19Too bad I get my honey fresh $5 for a dolmio jar :-p
dolmio sell honey now?
that is too bad.
no thanks Turkish, I'm sweet enough….
I'm Turkish and I need to say, wtf?
you meant to say
no thanks. Turkish;sweet enough
saying Turkish honey is sweat enough, whick I wholeheartedly agree.
Great deal nonetheless
its a movie quote and in no way related to any ethnicity
Anyone know if this is Chinese honey? This stuff was banned from import to the US because it is too cheap!!
http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2001-05-11/pdf/01-11940.pdfGoogle 'filtered honey china'… scary stuff
no its Australian…
"Capilano Honey is the market leader of honey in Australia, packing premium quality honey produced by Australian beekeepers."australian honey, that's why it's dirt cheap.
+1'ing you for a valid question
this is a sweet deal!
Barry B. Benson would not be happy with this deal :)
Yay! time to stock up on honey
Sweet deal.
Last time this special came up I made the mistake to stock up and now I have it sitting in the pantry. The locally produced stuff that our IGA often has for $8/kg tastes so much better!
Squeeze bottle is convenient, but that's about it. Might as well use sugar if I don't care about the flavour and just want things sweetened cheaply.
please do not stock up on honey.
It turns into sugar and you'll end up boiling it
You don't buy this because it is delicious, but because it is convenient. I prefer the taste of the stuff I buy at the local market (so yummy!) but still would pick up one of these for the pantry.
nice price and remember a true tightass (me) will cut the bottle in half to get at the last bit of honey that wont squueeeze
Honey is expensive stuff… This is a great price
I hate honey :/
If you go tomorrow you can get $4.61 250ml 4packs of V, but if you go today you can get $5.40 500ml 4packs of Rockstar. More cost efficient caffeine!!! :D
Honey and vegemite toast = yum
3 people need to get a life
You'll need to get a life too after you inadvertently end your current one by ingesting that combo :P
great for me and the mrs ;p
Great. Love honey on pancakes.
sweet buy !!
Wow! Just found out Coles on Elizabeth St near Flinders St VIC, don't honour catalogue discounts! I had 4 bottles of honey and it turned me a bit sour!
is it a Coles express or something similar? I know the one, it is a funny type of Coles
It's a Coles Central. Those ones don't usually do many specials.
Ended up buying it online with my usual shopping.
Plus got free delivery to my local "click and collect point"
Checked at my local coles EXPRESS, the price is full price :(
Hmmmm cheap honey!