I don't think so.
It fiailed on me first time WITH all boxes ticked. Then worked the second time.
Maybe just CAPTCHA glitch or something?
I don't think so.
It fiailed on me first time WITH all boxes ticked. Then worked the second time.
Maybe just CAPTCHA glitch or something?
It failed when I had boxes ticked then worked when I unticked them!!
Thanks OP
PS… I hate being the spelling police, but "Accommation" in giant heading letters kind of stands out a bit as a typo … nomally its me writing accomodation with one 'm'
Fixed, thanks :)
I cannot find the competition at the supplied link. There are five article links, but I don't see anything about the competition. I've looked multiple times, and opened each of the articles.
Already closed, no competition link available
If you don't agree to join their mailing lists, it throws a weird "submission expired" error. It's mandatory to be on their lists it seems!