PlusMedical's New Package Deal for 5packs
2 X 5Test @ $49.00 (incl GST)
Free Shipping Australia Wide
SecurePlus Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test is TGA approved:…
ARTG: 385550
Good for people that may want to stock up a bit more compared with the 1packs previously
Note: Same as previous deal, confirmation email will now be sent on order, second email with tracking details will be sent when order is shipped out.
COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests 5-Pack X 2 $48.99 ($4.90 Per Test) & Free Delivery @ PlusMedical

Last edited 09/05/2022 - 10:06
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closed Comments
You need it, so you know for sure if you have a cold/flu.
I’m in Malaysia right now and same testing kits are $2-3 each
NZ prices are slowly coming down which is nice. Can get 10 for around $41 aud pretty easily. Otherwise can get a free 5 pack for each member of a household (give or take) if someone is showing symptoms.
When i was leaving NZ a few months ago you couldn't even buy them. They were banned from import. Now they have become cheaper than AUS by a good margin. Why have they not got cheaper here yet.
because you can get it for free in some of the test centers
Still too expensive. Come back when they are <$3 like in many parts of the world.
Why so overpriced still
Australian made $5 each available in multiples of 2 with free shipping:…
These are the ones SA health are giving out to close contacts at the moment
these are also "acceptable sensitivity" vs the deal here is for "very high sensitivity"
From memory the detection rates are like 83% vs 98% respectively.
Website was blocked by Malwarebytes and Firefox as potential threat.
Yes they are threat….
To covid….
What's this and do I need it? Seems cheap.