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Bialetti New Venus Induction, Stovetop Coffee Maker 4-Cup Espresso $51.87 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Bialetti New Venus Induction, Stovetop Coffee Maker, 18/10 Steel, 4-Cup Espresso, suitable for all types of hobs

Not the cheapest ever, but it's the cheapest available today with free delivery.
This one can be used on induction hobs as well.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • We love ours, great maker.

    No idea how you're supposed to get the silicon seal out to clean it though.

    • +1

      The trick is to never clean anything. The bigger the crusty buildup the bigger your um, love for coffee?

      • Connoisseurs make it in the toilet bowl…

      • +1

        James thinks you're a fool 😅

    • +1

      Get a butter knife and pry it out?

    • +2

      Replacement filters and seals are also on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/Replacement-Gasket-Filter-Plate-Cu…

  • I had a bialetti in the past but was never able to master the coffee taste. It always came out either bitter, burnt or sour. I gave up and flogged it on fb marketplace.

    • I love the bitter, slightly burnt taste XD

    • James Hoffman could've been your man. Has the method down.

      • +3

        Have been smashing a 3&6 cup for almost two years now, but literally came across this video a couple of days ago…


        I had been preboiling the water, but then smashing it with the gas on full. This morning tried it at half and then almost to nothing when the coffee started to flow. Ended up with a noticeable difference with way less biterness, but it also produced more coffee before sputering.

        • Yeah, it transformed mokapot for me to the point that I'm not inclined to grab coffee out. Great espresso is always better but I love my stovetop fix too 😊

  • +1

    Please note this is the stainless steel version. The original moka pot is made with Aluminium

    • What's the pros of aluminium over stainless steel? is it just faster heat conduting?

      • +1

        I had read it was mainly due to aluminium being more available when the originals were manufactured after WW2.

      • I had an Aluminium Bialetti from a garage sale.
        Couldn't clean it properly and corroded like crazy. Opened it up one day and could not undertand where all the mysterious liquid had come from.Landfill.
        Get the Stainless steel one if you must have one - even KMart uses Stainless.
        I found it hard to make good coffee. I'll stick with my espresso machine.

        • +1

          We have both. They work well. Just clean and dry your equipment! Of course, the aluminium one WONT work on an induction hob.

      • Cant use aluminum on induction cooktops

    • Yeah I have a 3-cup Moka pot from Bialetti and have used it every day for the past few years. Makes great thick, dark coffee which I top up with some boiling water and milk. Having one now actually! I tamp the coffee grind in lightly to pack it in, find the flavour is better that way.

      Mine has corrosion on the inside of the water tank that won’t come off, due to the heat. But the top tank cleans off fine. I just rinse mine with water after using and leave the coffee in there until I use it next, upon which I open it up and empty the coffee out then rinse under running water. No soap. Occasionally I wash the whole thing in hot soapy water.

      • I have the stainless steel one and every now and then I just chuck it in the dishwasher and it comes out spanking clean

  • I bought one of these cheaper ones and I'm quite happy with it.

    I'm not sure about the Bialetti but my one is stainless steel but with an interior coating similar to "stone" cookware, I was expecting pure stainless steel; it's still just fine for me though.

  • +2

    For true cheapskates, it is hard to go past this $14 unit from, you guessed it, Kmart: https://www.kmart.com.au/product/6-cup-espresso-maker-430240…?

    • Nice find - I might grab one as a spare.

    • Just going to point out, a 6 cup does exactly 6 cups worth. No more, no less. So don't buy this thinking you can underfill for the amount you want.

      Underfilling a large moka pot will result in the pot not working (just the physics of how it's designed).

      • A 6 pot for me gives me two shot equivalent for two lattes

        6.pot is the way if you drink with milk

        • I use a "2 cup" one for my morning boost, which is perfect for pouring directly into a 300ml cup with a bit of milk in it.

      • +1

        Can't agree enough. I bought a 8 cup thinking I can use anything between 2 and 8 cups and it was a miserable failure. Now everytime I make coffee I make full 8 cups and store in fridge and drink with in 2 days.

  • +1

    hope the brikka comes on sale

    • i was hoping there's an induction brikka, but there's none so I've settled with trying this instead

  • I have the 6 cup version of this. It's pretty good compared to a cheapie aluminum which I have.

  • Kmart one is quite good too

  • does this make the same type of coffee as the standard bialetti? watched some videos and it looks more watery and has less crema

    • It should be the same apart from the material difference (aluminium vs stainless)
      If i understand correctly the crema is affected more by other factors like grind size etc

  • Did anyone get it for the above price? Looks like it was only on the 19th.

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