New Balance Core Run Jacket Men's Sport $43.57
New Balance Core Run Tight Men's Pants Sport $36.70
There is a dropdown box. Shop by category, use the little arrow to bring the next drop down box and choose clothing and then mens
Seems overly complex to search by size, let alone fractional widths (NB is one of the few brands making fractional widths in sporting shoes).
Click on items for sale instead of go to store. It has categories for mens and womens shoes which can be filtered by size and width. Example below of mens size 12 with d width.…
Thanks; but, alas.
Flat feet people - the 860s are even discounted, only 25% - but yay and one of the colours (last night) even had 4E
Finally, new shoes under $160 AUD >:(
Do all 860 variants have arch support for people with flat feet?
Had a bit of read about it and looks like the 880s are also good for flat footers. Was about to buy but now the prices have gone up again.
You snooze you lose!
Do U have a link?
How's NB shipping time compare to Adidas?
My last NB order came the week after, but that was direct with them. Haven't tried their ebay store but I assume it'd be similar
I think it takes longer. Last time I ordered from the NB eBay store it was sent to a department within eBay to verify that the item was authentic.
Funnily enough I had 2 x pairs of the top of line 1080's and the heel guard in 3 of the 4 shoes had broken within the first week. If they hadn't been verified, I'd have sworn that the shoes were fake.
For what it's worth, dealing with the aftersales team at New Balance from that point on was a nightmare and something I said I'd never put myself through again. They didn't want a bar of it, they treat the eBay store as a different business and therefor the customer service team won't help. I kept the shoes to remind myself why I'll never shop New Balance again.
Were they made in US/UK ones?
Damn, no Made in USA shoes available - they do come on sale now and then, they are worth the money imo, so much better than their usual shoe line up even if the USA Made ones aren't technically 100% USA made.
How do you know if it's made in US or not (in description?) ? Thanks
NB has a Made in USA brand (and UK too but I've never tried the UK shoes), you can search it on their website by searching Made in USA, or click here I guess. They are made in the USA, but some are finished off elsewhere, even still, the quality is leaps and bounds better than their stuff that is made solely in places like Vietnam.
They do come on special now and then, I got 15% off my 990v3 Core so I bought 3 pairs, they sell quick though so you gotta keep an eye out and check reguarly.
How does one identify the difference?
My wife found me an amazing deal mid covid for about $140 or $130 shipped for NB 860, 4Es (AUD$) and they're made in China and I can say, they are shockingly comfortable and fairly well made.
They are branded 'Made in USA' unlike their usual line up.
Usually on the tongue it will say “made in USA\UK” or have a respective flag sewn in somewhere. I have owned both USA and UK New Balances, they have outlasted Nike’s, Adidas’ and regular NB’s 10 fold. My oldest pair ( Made in USA 990’s) are over 10 years old and no signs of wearing thin
I mean if the 860s are available in US made, sure I'd try them but I can promise my Chinese ones are great and I have picky feet, very picky.
@hamwhisperer: The cheaper ones are OK, but don't come near to the quality that the US Made ones are, of course you're paying in the range of $300-400 per pair of shoes though, but it's well worth it if you are always on your feet or active every day.
Any of their shoes have GPS trackers/step counter in it?
is that a thing? which other brand has em?
Yes, some Under Armour shoes have a Bluetooth foot pod in them.
Looks for the shoes with the Blue X run icon bottom left.
Those shoes "CONNECTS TO UA MAPMYRUN™: tracks & analyzes your running metrics to help make you a better runner"
UA Hovr Sonic 2 back in 2018 was my first pair with BT GPS thingy. Last year upgraded to UA Phantom 2.
If u spend $80+, the KICSNS ($10 off) might work better than the 5% off:
Great! Just bought another pair of 624 4e shoes. Very comfortable, wear well, and at $87.50 (KICSNS code) the price is fantastic.
Where can I find return policy? I don't have ebayplus
I had a quick look and it seriously needs a 20% off code and a 10% off Ebay card . :)
Nothing here .
This stuff on a permanent special .
Thank you, grabbed some cargo pants but now worried it may not be the right size, anyone have experience with returns on sizing?
Unfortunately the price got updated while going through the payment, not willing to pay for the new price, not sure if anyone else had the same issue:(
had the same happen to me at checkout
Same issue happened with me. Submitted a ticket.
Same issue here.
Damn! I should have purchased earlier in the day.
I sent a message to the seller and they came back with “we have no control on price difference…” I am confused.
If you have AfterPay and select AfterPay as a payment method, you can apply the coupon at the bottom of the page to get $10 discount instead.
Prices for items I had in cart whilst checking out got jacked. Refreshed the page a few times and each time a cart item would go up in price.
Prices have jacked today. They were much better prices yesterday. Jacked maybe 20-25%.
I also noticed some prices have gone up since this afternoon
Jacked prices.
Yes, across the board min $10-$20 some items.
Anyone know If there are trail running shoes here?
There was some, but I believe they've all sold.
Is there a way to see all mens shows only on their eBay store ?