I picked up the movie 'Burn After Reading' for $4.95 brand new from Video Ezy yesterday, and thought that it was a pretty good deal. Stores like JB Hi-Fi and Sanity are still selling this DVD for around $30 brand new. I picked it up from the Video Ezy Chancellor Park store in QLD, though pricing should be the same at all stores.
Burn After Reading (DVD) - $4.95 Brand New - Video Ezy

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One of the worst movies I have seen in the last year.
I'll second that
I'll third that. I saw it in Gold Class when Magnum had the free upgrade to Gold Class.
But I've met many Art-House film lovers who enjoyed it.
burn after watching should be the titlethough the 'machine' he built in his basement looked like the kind of DIY project im sure many an oz-bargainer would be interested in :)
I liked it, but i have to admit it's an acquired taste (i've found that with the Coen Brothers)
Fargo, the Big Lebowski are others that were weird for mei fourth or fifth that??..i dunno..but yer, noo goood.
Most people seemed to enjoy the film, and it was nice to see Brad Pitt in less of a serious role. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0887883/
Paid reviews always enjoy movies
Is this the sequel to Burn After Downloading?
It's crap. So please follow the instruction - burn it after reading the cover. :)
err wow, didn't realise ozbargainers were so culturally deficient so as to not appreciate burn after reading.
That's rich coming from somebody who named themselves after a crappy band.
Awesome movie - a very pleasant antidote to the usual predicatble crap that Hollywood dishes up
Only bit I enjoyed was his smiling face as he gets shot.
DVDs aren't worth more than a few dollars now anyway.
great film