So do I still have 2 months or 14 months to stock up?
Can I prepaid my Internet, bought school uniforms for next 10 years? Got enough pens and paper for th next 10 years already! Waiting for the 50% computer cash rebate to come again.
Cutting Education rebate in 2013? Should we start stocking up!

fish on 07/05/2012 - 00:28
No. You can still claim it THIS year (11-12) New budget measure apply on 12-13 financial year.
and you only can claim like $800 back
we still can't just claim it, still need to buy something! Wonder they actually checked randomly!?
Lets see what the budget actually says as the stuff I was reading gave the impression, that it will be implemented immediately.
They get the benefit of moving expenses into this financial year so they can say they balance the budget next year.
Bad parents won't buy the kids anything, and just spend the money in one hit on booze and pokies. I think you should have to prove you spent money to get a benefit.
Why bother, you are getting it anyway without the need for you toanything. Its not going away, the way you claim it is just changing. Its a cash giveaway whereas before you had to prove you spent it and then got a rebate back.
Only condition now is to have a child of eligible age. So now you can use all that paper etc