Problems with Samsung Customer Service/VOC Department - Where to Complain?

Hey Folks

Need some advice on where to complain about the service from Samsung which is just atrocious. I purchased this on contract through optus.

12 weeks ago my new Samsung phone bricked while it was doing a software update, and I still haven't got a replacement or a repaired phone due to the complicated nature at which Samsung customer service/repairs operate. After calling Samsung the resolution was to send the phone back to them for repair which seemed normal, but everything that has happened since then as been anything "but normal"

The first challenge was actually getting an appointment at the store! the booking system online is down half the time. I had to drive 1 hour to the closest store just to book an appointment for 3 weeks later for them to send the phone back. The people at the store didnt care about the bricked phone, or that their own booking system was down OR that i would have to wait 3 weeks to come back to the store for 5 mins to get the phone sent back. 2 hour round trip wasted. I had checked with Optus and they couldn't do this for me, it had to be with Samsung

3 weeks later I came back for the appointment and it was literally a 5min appointment of them of filling out a form and sending it back. 3 weeks later (so now 6 weeks in without a phone) I get a call saying the phone is stuffed we will send you a new one, a week later a new phone arrived but it was the wrong model! (mine was 256gb and they send 128gb)

It then took me 2 weeks to try and get through to someone in Samsung to tell them they sent me the wrong phone.
This is because:
- The store is unhelpful, again if you don't have an appointment they don't help you. If you do have an appointment its just sending the phone back and the "VOC team will help you" I suggested why couldn't i just turn up at the store with the wrong phone you send me (still boxed and unopened) and just swap it on the day with my correct model. I was laughed at, the thought of actually providing good customer service in a streamlined way is funny to them!

  • Calling customer service gets you through to the VOC team (Voice of the customer LOL) now this is a team who is not customer-centric at all!

  • the VOC team are useless! So you spend 30-40 mins getting through to them with the various menu options and the internal transfers plus repeating your story each time you get hold of anyone. The VOC team also can't transfer you to anyone else in the team, so you have an assigned case manager who can "only" deal with your questions. So when you finally get hold of something, all they say is "Thanks, we will note this down and get your assigned case manager to get in touch with you" that call never comes

  • It's also extremely hard to get to speak to a supervisor or a manager in this department. Over the 15-20times ive called them over the 12 week period only 2 of them have actually transferred me to someone senior. Most of them say "we are the highest point of esculation" and the refuse to transfer you

  • When i finally got hold of a supervisor, he apologies and said he would try to speed things up and would offer some form of compensation for my troubles.

  • Turns our the dispute is being handled by "HQ" on week 12 i get a call saying we have found you a new phone, please give us 3 weeks to ship it out to you LOL i had the suggestion of why cant i just go into a store and pick up a new phone, why do i need to wait 3 weeks. No great answer from HQ

  • The compensation they offered was a %15 voucher from the Samsung store LMAO - when i refused that she just put the phone down! Now i can't get back in touch with her. All roads lead back to HQ. I have tried social media, even trying pinging the CEO on linkdIN.

Is there somewhere to take this complaint?

Update: messaged a few senior directors on LinkedIN which had customer service in their title. One of them actually called me to apologise and to take ownership of the case. Within a space of a few hours a new phone has been shipped out!!

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  • Two words.

    T_ _ _ _ _ G_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

    • ?

    • Further delays…she's on holiday til after Easter

      • +2

        Yep. She probably hung up as it was 5pm on the dot and she clocked off for Easter

    • +4

      Taylor Giavasis?
      not sure she can help but she can post it on her Instagram

    • +1

      Two words.

      T_ _ _ _ _ G_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

      Talcum Granules?

      To help the OP better prepare for his fisting by Samsung support?

  • +1

    Find someone who cares who has the power to fix a problem quickly in a massive global company. Good luck with that.

    • Yep, thats where I am. I was hoping there might be an external body to help with complaints?

  • Wow ok that's terrible service

  • You can't just deal directly with Optus? Then they ahandle all those backends.

    • I've tried, as it was a Samsung fault ( both times with software update and wrong phone) they don't want to take ownership

      • +5

        …they don't want to…

        It's not a matter of 'wanting' or not…..The 'supplier', in this case Optus, can't simply palm you off to Samsung.ā€¦

        • This is quite correct. Both Australian Consumer Law, and the various states' fair trading laws concur.

          All of the OP's complaints about Samsung would be irrelevant if they had insisted on Optus fulfilling their legal obligations.

          Now, it is a horrible morass of faulty booking apps, wasted travel time, incorrect replacement device, contacting senior managers, etc, etc.

          OP gave money to Optus, not Samsung. Optus need to fix the problem.

          • @Roman Sandstorm: How do you keep Optus honest in this?
            Like I have mentioned Optus have said the same thing go to Samsung for a quicker resolution as it falls under a Warranty claim. Even if they had done something, they can't help the fact Samsung sent back the wrong phone.

  • -3

    had to drive 1 hour to the closest store just to book an appointment for 3 weeks late

    Not Samsung's fault you live far away from the city

    Try social media and hope your post goes viral. Makes me realise that being an influncer is the only way to get stuff done

    • +2

      It's Samsung fault there booking system was down, and it's Samsung fault they have no convenient back up way of booking an appointment. They should be able to come up with a better solution then driving down to the store to book an appointment.

      They could easily just bring back the individual store numbers so people can call up and book in case the system is down. But no, they canned the numbers and everything is one central number you call to the main call center. Even the call center has no way of getting in touch with individual stores

      Yes your right regarding the influencer. I had tweeted the Samsung account, got a daily quick response. But the action was just to put another message to the same team to call you back.

    • had to drive 1 hour to the closest store just to book an appointment for 3 weeks late

      Thanks for your input, very big-brained

  • +2

    Make a complaint to fair trading in your state.

    Check if the TIO is applicable to make a complaint as I do not know if they are or not in your case.

    If Optus sole you the phone or a plan with the phone then make a formal complaint to Optus as they sold you the phone. I would also go into one of their stores with all of the details if it is near and ask them to see if they can sort it out.

    Google "samsung formal complaint process" and start going through the results and tick them off once done or if they are crap then move to the next one.

    • Thank you, i will try those avenues. I did searc for the samsung formal complaint, and filled out the form. the response i got back was

      "oh your already in the system, its being dealt with - your case manager will be in touch :/"

  • +1

    I noticed very bad reviews on their store and customer service. Find all review sites, eg google, trustpilot, faceboolk etc and leave yours.
    You will have to find a better company to deal with in future.

    • Indeed. I have had several Samsungs before and they have been fine. Never really had to deal with support until now. but now I know!

  • +1

    The compensation they offered was a %15 voucher from the Samsung store LMAO - when i refused that

    What exactly are you hoping to get?

    • +1

      The discount seems to be the normal offer, but you have to spend more money with them to get the discount. So Samsung gets more money and even with a 15% discount they still make money… This is wrong, they should be offering a $50 or $100 gift card, but this will cost them real money so they will not do it.

    • +1

      (1) an apology (2) someone who actually wanted to solve the problem. Not after money - offering a stock standard %15 which you can get from the website every other month is nothing to be excited about. Even a $50 generic gift card would have been better - the last thing I want to do is spend more money with them which is why i refused the 15% voucher which can only be spent in store

  • I worked for a short time as a Sham Service Contractor for them. Generally everybody is supposed to fit into a "human robot" culture with no fault really tolerated. Got out, never looked back!
    2 out of 3 phones from them work very well!

  • +1

    I think I will stick to my cheap Motorola's. My low expectations are continually exceeded! Also helps buying to from somewhere like JB.

    • Yeah motos are good. If its a warrenty claim do JB do that for you? Other things I have purchased from JB like google home, when i needed to do a warrenty claim they also tell you to go through the manufacturer

  • +4

    update! I pinged a message on LinkedIN to some very senior members, got a call back within 2 hours with a senior director who is now taking ownership of the case. Hes given his personal number too so I don't have to wait on the lines for hours

    • +1

      Senior director. I'm impressed.

      • +1

        Yeah, I pinged like 10 people ijc the CEO. Thankfully someone responded

    • +1

      Good to know. I had a similar problem recently when I went to hand in my Galaxy watch 4 and couldn't get an appointment. However, the Samsung store rep told me I could just do the same in Samsung express drop off points at select Harvey Norman stores in VIC.

      I went to my closest HN store the next day and was able to finish the process within 10 mins. This is just FYI for future reference.

  • I am so sorry you had to go through that, I did not expect this level of garbage from a company as large as Samsung.
    I thought they would have improved since 2010; had a shitty samsung wave, needed replacement, had to take many buses (student at the time) to their stupid service centre, the guy at the centre tested the phone confirmed touch issue but said he needs to go through proper channel fair enough, 3 weeks later I got sent back my phone with a note "no issues found". I went back to Vodafone and fixed the issue through them, should have done that from the start! They even gave me a dummy phone while the phone was at service.

    I think Optus is the real party at fault. You bought the phone from them, it is their responsibility to fix issues. In Australia retailer is in charge of warranty not manufacturer….

    • Cheers thanks, yeah Optus hasn't been helpful either. They classed it as a warranty claim so pushed me to Samsung. All of these companies are like "were in this together" when it was COVID then they discard you afterwards!

      • Warranty claim or not, it goes through Optus who is the retailer, just know this for future. No matter if it's Optus, Harvey Norman or Amazon, the retailer who sold you the device is responsible for warranty.

        Let's imagine Samsung exited Australia and does not provide any further support, it is the responsibility of the retailer or whoever provided the phone to fix issues.

  • +1

    Update - Senior director has suddenly found a phone and got it shipped out! will be here next week hopefully. As well as giving a gift card with an actual dolla amount.
    Looks like the case wasn't a priority for the other case managers and they had been sitting on the request. Way to go LinkedIn

    • Good to hear you finally got a resolution, but man the hoops you had to jump through to get there :( I feel for you.

      Bloody AliExpress has better support.

      • Thanks, such an ordeal indeed.

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