LiitoKala Lii-402 Charger Query

Hi folks,

Finally picked up some Eneloops, Ikea Ladda 1900 AA batteries and a LiitoKala Lii-402 charger.

Looking at the "manual" it states "No electricity is connected, insert a battery can quick shows the remaining battery volume" - spent about an hour looking online and reading various deal posts on here and can't figure out how to get it going. Failing that, is there harm in leaving the batteries on the charger for long periods of time?

Sorry if it's already been answered!


  • +1

    Not sure if the 402 is the same, but with the 2 slot 202 that I have only one slot shows the approximate cell voltage, from memory the right. I also can’t remember but I think it only does so for li-ion cells.

    • Thanks for that, likely the scenario!

      • Just checked my Lii-202. Right slot only to check voltage. Works for li-ion cells but not my Laddas or any other AAs. Not a problem for me as I use an older model of this… when I bought my Laddas. Red led on insertion and green led when charged. Cheap but no cut off when batteries are charged so they get hot after awhile (excess energy dissipated in the form of heat) but I only charge when I'm around to unplug it after 4-6 hours.

  • Probably means battery voltage, not volume.

  • Are the batteries fully charged when you've tried? Have you tried while charging a device via the usb?

    is there harm in leaving the batteries on the charger for long periods of time?
    I wouldn't be too worried about it being left overnight(I've done this with a crappy eneloop charger, though I also have the Lii 500). But wouldn't leave it for a week.

    • Yeh I've tested batteries of different levels, when plugged in, when unplugged, when charging. Someone mentioned above it might be just the li-ion cells that can do it!

      Appreciate the information regarding leaving the batteries on charge though!

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