Does anybody know where to buy a mahjong table in Sydney? Looking to go in-store rather than online.
Thanks in advance
Does anybody know where to buy a mahjong table in Sydney? Looking to go in-store rather than online.
Thanks in advance
Ha - the top search result for me is this OzBargain forum post.
i would have suggested the "i'm feeling lucky" button
yeah, try finding one of the larger supernakets , they most likely have stock, like the ones in Westfield's (hurstville)
Mahjong District?
Where is this shop?
Sorry for getting your hopes up, it was a Simpsons reference.
there's four places. There's the Mahjong Hut. That's on third. There's Mahjong -R-US. That's on third too. You got Put-Your-Mahjong -There. That's on third. Mahjong Low, Sweet Chariot. Matter of fact, they're all in the same complex. It's the Mahjong Complex down on third
get one of those automated ones where you sweep all the tiles into the middle and it shuffles and brings it all back up for you already to go.
I have to admit that i was truly amazed when I first saw one of those! 😂
I've seen those basic foldable mahjong tables at an Asian furniture shop in Eastwood Shopping Centre.
Thank you - this is really helpful. I've contacted the shop.
check ebay, theres electric mahjong table for sale. Based in silver water.