There needs to be an OzBargain standard checklist of achievements that you need to tick off before you can call yourself an official OzBargainer. I’m assuming there’s no one already.
For example, you need to go to Officeworks and actually request a price match (and stand around for ages like a bellend because nobody knows what they’re doing) or when you go to a store and buy multiple gift cards because they have a points deal for them.
That latter one happened to me today. I bought 6 x $500 Apple Gift Cards because they currently have 20 x points. The dude behind me fully blew up because the cashier had to put them through one by one. It was awesome.
Edit: I’ll compile a definitive list from your suggestions shortly.
i get ideas from the TV show Extreme Cheapskates.
* Cooking food on the car engine.
* Eating other people's left over food at restaurants.
* Flushing the toilet once a week.
* Sharing the same piece of teeth floss with the whole family.