so there is one part of the mobile phone restrictions while driving that could be open to confusion on the queensland road rules website. it states:
"If you're an open or P2 licence holder, you are also allowed to touch your mobile phone for hands-free use if, for example, the phone is in a cradle attached to the vehicle. Hands-free use can include:
accepting a call
using navigation apps
skipping a song
accepting/ending a trip as a rideshare driver."
Note that other states usually allow Poll option 1 where the rules are more clearly written.
So how do you guys understand this part, especially the meaning of 'Hand-free' (Please vote).
gone are the days when you have only 1 mixed casette tape of current songs that were recorded off video hits and on repeat in your car constantly until you made a new tape.
my partners era was to make mix CD's that skipped when you bought crap quality CD's to burn
my kids, hey google play baby shark on spotify