Not the cheapest but pretty good price in a while.
LEGO UCS Millennium Falcon 75192 $1039.20 Delivered @ Target

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Its about time LEGO issue a couple container loads of this .
That will teach the resellers .i had mine on gumtree for $1000 and people were complaining about the price had 5 of them all sold now ..i dont get it what will it teach the reseller.?
I have $15 in my Spaceship Voyager for this, probably be retired by the time I get to my $1000 target.
amazon has the same price too.
Pulled the trigger. Shame i missed the Shop4me one.Couldn't resist. Thanks.
Update: Target cancelled my order so I bought it from Amazon instead.
I just ordered how long until you got your answer of cancellation? I don't want to miss out
It was about 3 hours after I placed the order. No reason was given.
nice, perfect for lockdown 3.0 coming this winter