Do You Think It’s Worth Waiting for EOFY Sale to Purchase New Car?

I’m currently looking at buying a new car, most likely to be Mitsubishi ASX LS, or Kia Seltos - just go for it now?

Do you think it’s worth waiting for EOFY sale?

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  • +10

    Same as last year, don't expect anything.

    • Crazy how many people don't know this

  • +2

    right now it is a sellers market that wont change for at least 2 years perhaps longer

  • +7

    What to expect this year’s EOFY

    the end of the financial year

  • +4

    but that guy from earlier this week who worked for a new car dealer said 'is just I work in car dealer… I know is different but $5,000 to $10,000 discount is acceptable in Cars'

    • +1

      And was asking about a $4,999 bottom of the range, entry level loss leader motorcycle that was already on special.

  • +3

    EOFY sales are to move old stock and pump the books right at the end of the year. There is no old stock to move and no need to pump the books, everything can just sell at retail prices. Unless you hunt around and find a specific model that for some reason isn't selling, then that would be the one to target.

    The wait time for a Seltos was supposedly over 200 days back in January, so it's unlikely there'll even be stock to buy at EOFY -…

  • +3

    What? And go on the same waiting list as everyone else?

    Go in at the end of any month and see what they have stock of on the floor. Ask what cars have been there the longest and be prepared to not get exactly what you want. Otherwise, good lucky getting a discount, EOFY or not.

    Covid tax, early super access, no holidays, WFH, no one taking public transport, chip shortages, shipping shortages and now floods wiping out massive amounts of vehicles, all the things driving up demand and prices, I think you’re in for a bad time if you think waiting till EOFY is going to net you any considerable savings.

    • You missed the latest: consecutive flooding events on the east cost.

      Plenty of customers with insurance payouts, looking to replace their damaged vehicles…..

      • +1

        and now floods wiping out massive amounts of vehicles

        You mean where I mentioned flood wiping out massive amount of vehicles?

        • A lil louder for those in the back

        • -1

          You want a medal

  • +4

    "Do you think it’s worth waiting for EOFY sale" - Yes, I reckon there may be good deals on offer at the EOFY in about 2024

  • Lol, OP wishes to buy a car and even mentions Mitsy….

  • After spending the last 2 weeks searching for a new car after mine was written off, I'd say you'd be mad waiting for EOFY sales - doubt they will have any. It's a sellers market and they won't even consider discounts.

  • The only vehicles that are remotely likely to go on sale are those that there is plenty of stock for. Ie nothing that anyone actually wants to buy.

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