How Long Does It Take for Your Oven to Preheat? How Loud Is It?

I’ve always felt that my oven takes ages to preheat (haven’t actually timed it, but I think it’s about 30 mins to get to 200) and it’s a little noisier than I’d like so I’m looking to buy a new one. I use an air fryer a lot, but if I want to do a larger roast or pizza or something else larger the airfryer doesn’t cut it.

A quick search tells me that most ovens take about 15-20mins to preheat, which still seems like a while. Looking through specs and reviews of different models, preheat time and noise are not listed, which are two of the more important factors for me.

I was hoping that anyone who has bought a new oven in the past few years could comment on what model it is, how long it takes to preheat and how loud it is. Or if anyone can direct me where to find this info (I don’t think it’s included in Choice Reviews).

- What model of oven do you have?
- how long does it take to preheat?
- how noisy is it?

Thanks in advance.


  • I wait for about 10 minutes before I put food in.

    • Does the thermostat light say it’s at the temperature you’re aiming for in 10mins?

      • +1

        I actually don't pay attention to that light. I follow cooking instructions from YouTube tutorials, so I go by guessing most of the time.

  • +2

    My Miele has a quick pre heat function which uses the grill, so 5 to 10 mins.

  • +3

    I use the air fryer because the food is already done before the oven can even preheat.

    • +1

      I also use an air fryer (a lot) but want to use the oven for bigger things like roasting a tray of veggies, a whole chicken, pizza, cakes etc.

      • +1

        I was never bothered by the heating time of my oven until the first time I used it after using an airfryer - the oven didn't change but my expectations did.

        If you're using the oven only occasionally now then I'd just live with the heating time - after being normalised by the airfryer you're most likely gonna be disappointed with any oven's heating time now.

        But IME airfryers are generally noisier than ovens so maybe you have an issue there.

        • Yeah, I think that's very true. I sometimes go for a walk or something whilst waiting for it to heat, but it's not great time wise when I'm late home from work and want to get a family meal ready with a hungry toddler. I'm definitely avoiding using the oven when it would be handy to use quantity wise.

          • @morse: If you’re late home and it’s a family meal why doesn’t someone else in the family put the oven on for you, or cook the meal? Unless you’re the first home?

            • @mapax: Yeah, we do that sometimes, but we have a pretty attention demanding toddler so my husband is often caught up with him. Those nights tend to be quick meals in the end, but not always as nutritious.

  • +1

    I have a chef brand $500 one 600mm it takes about 10-12 mind and it's pretty much silent my parents got the next one up with digital buttons it's also pretty silent but that model has a noisy cool down which takes 10-15 before it turns off

    • Thanks. Are you happy with how it cooks things?

      • +1

        Yes had it for 3 years got it with a range hood and cooktop for $888 from retravision can't complain for the price my parents one still going well no problems

        • Nice! Will keep it in mind.

  • +2

    Bosch ovens have quick preheat function, takes 5–10 minutes.
    It amazes me that people will live in a million dollar house, but then buy and go to the trouble of installing a $300 oven from Bunnings or Aldi and then have to put up with it’s slow poor performance/engineering.

    • Yep, I'm considering Bosch. Our house came with the oven we have. It's a delonghi, so theoretically should be okay, I think it's just the fact that it's old.

    • Not saying there is no difference between ovens but all use resistive elements and I can't think of a special preheat tech in domestic versions. Perhaps they put the fan on harder to disperse the heat more, or drive the grill too for a while. The heating power is always going to be limited by the power rating of the oven / circuit. A lot of this is marketing.

      • I’m not sure how it works but it was 2/3 quicker to preheat than my old oven, I think it has to do with a third element in with the convection fan and a smarter control board.

  • Depends on the temp you want, but 15 mins to reach 200C is ok for me.
    Doesn't every recipe start with "…preheat oven to xxxC…". So that's what you do first, and you do the other prep things in parallel.

    • Yeah, 15 mins is okay with me too, I just want to make sure I don't buy a new one and then it's just as slow a my current one.

  • +2

    I have a whirlpool pyrolytic one and probably take 15-20 min to get to 180-200 but I never pay attention to that. Practically speaking anything you need the oven for will take a while to cook anyway, another 20 min or half hour won't change it in the grand scheme of thing. You probably can speed it up by using fan forced mode to get it to temp then change to cooking mode of choice but to be honest, except for baking (which is definitely not dinner time cooking) and pizza, putting stuff in the oven first or wait until it get to 180C then slide it in won't make much of a different.

  • +1

    We have a smeg. Was installed in the house when we moved in. Waiting for it to die to replace. Doesn’t heat very evenly, form over function.

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