Hi, would anyone know what these figures mean on my Mazda 3 wheel alignment report? Thanks
Previous values
Total toe +3.0mm
Half-toe +0.1mm +3.0mm
Camber -00° 05' -00° 18'
Caster +03°52' +04°10'
Final Values
Total toe +0.8mm
Half toe +0.4mm +0.4mm
Camber -00°01' -00°20'
Caster +0.3°50' +04°12'
Toe refers to toe in or out. + is out, - is in. (Think Duck footed, Pigeon toed)
Camber is + out, - in. (Think top of wheel in or out)
Caster is angle of the steering pivot. + is back, - is forward. (Think, strut top back or forward of axle line)
If you have toe out, good chance it is a front wheel drive. Rear and AWD usually have 0 or slight negative toe.
It isn’t a race car, so camber would be very low and close to 0 on most cars.
Caster cannot be changed on many cars without messing about.
All these figures mean nothin without context. For a Kia Rio, ok, not bad, for a Kenworth T409, terrible.