Hi, just wondering if anyone has had any experience with getting their shopback approved despite the retailer refunding one of the items purchased due to item being out of stock? Shopback terms and conditions state any order that has been refunded, returned or canceled won't be eligible however the cancelation was not done by me. I ordered a couple of items from Big w today but one item was out of stock. Does this mean my shopback will be voided for the entire order?
ShopBack Eligibility if Retailer Refunds Due to out of Stock Item

Ls4233307 on 03/04/2022 - 20:06
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Should be calculated on whatever you did end up successfully buying and having filled.
Should, but its not.
With BigW, it has been confirmed by the rep that it'll be adjusted to the items which were fulfilled.
So, it should.
Shopback terms and conditions state any order that has been refunded, returned or canceled won't be eligible
It's quite clear what it says. Why would you think it matters who initiates it?
You have the option of returning everything .
I'm guessing the only reason it takes three months to issue your money is because of returns. Also it keeps you using the app in those three months.
As far as I remember, big W tracks each item, not by order total so you'll get cashback on everything in stock
Correct, unfortunately.
It's the gamble you take with cashback sites. If anything goes wrong you don't get any benefits, and have no recourse.