So the lawn is getting pretty thick and it's not that big but it is awkward to do with a lawn mower properly so I have decided to try do it all with a whipper snippet since I have been getting the hang of it at work.
Work uses petrol and I hate pouring the petrol in as well as getting the petrol.
Even with a funnel i usually spill a bit so I'm going to go with a battery powered line trimmer also might be able to use the battery on other tools in future.
Not looking for anything high end just something that's not bad and affordable.
Not a big front yard but big enough it is getting long and hard to do all with a lawn mower.
Don't even need to be super neat and perfect just don't want council to come knocking on the door or snakes to come make a habitat.
So what battery powered whipper snippers do you recommend or suggest to avoid.
I will probably order this in unless it is from Repco or bunnings which is nearby enough for me for pick up.
So what are your recommendations?
If you didnt let it get so long u wouldnt have a problem when cutting it with a lawn mower. A whipper snipper is going to take u a lot longer. Finally if you cant pour petrol using a funnel you shouldnt be playing with power tools