Termites in Pre-Auction Inspection

First home buyer here.

I just heard back from my pest and building inspector for a 60-year-old house going to auction very soon that there is some minor active termite damage, but it would be impossible to tell how much more extensive damage there is in other parts. We had really hoped to get this house - however, now we're not sure if this should be a dealbreaker.

I'm waiting for the full written report, but hoping to get thoughts from more experienced home owners / builders etc. Do we forget about this house altogether? Do we mention this to the REA?

Reported major defects and some pictures:

How much of the report is just to cover their own arses? Does the pictured damage look concerning?


  • +5

    "active termite" would cause me to forget about the house as it could be $5K or $10K as a min and go all the way up to demolish and start again without tracking and plulling all of the plasterboard off the bottom of the walls and finding what damage the termites have caused. I have heard of termites getting in the roof and needing new roofs.

    Some termite varieties will need to whole house fumigated, but this is rare.

    • Plus rising damp plus plus…
      Invasive inspection recommended…. in other words rip out parts to see where the termites have had breakfast, lunch and dinner.

      Run, no sprint away.

  • If there is minor active damage there very likely is more active damage that can’t be seen. Active being the critical word of caution.

    Walk away.

  • +1

    As much as you want this house, it'll be best to walk away.

    Best case - you stress about it until settlement then find out it's only a few thousand dollars fix (after ripping holes in your walls everywhere)

    Worst case - you stress about it until settlement then find out it's a knock down, which you have a large mortgage against and no money to develop.

    Edit: it's also entirely possible you won't be able to get a mortgage on the place due to the impending risk.

  • i thought inspectors could use thermal imaging to see where active infestations were

    • Pest inspectors yes… building inspectors not so much. Hence the recommendation to get a pest inspector in!

  • +1

    Looks like it’s a damp house (inadequate ventilation noted) hence the termites. If you’re asking here you are likely out of your depth (I probably would be too) - so best to move on.

  • +1

    Move onto the next one.

    My house had been damaged by termites. Not active, but the damage was done. As another said above, it's generally an indication of damp. So not only will you have termites to deal with, you'll have to stand by and watch all of your possesions be destroyed by humidity. Books will turn yellow, electronics will start to corrode. Your clothes will need to be washed every time they get too close to the wall…
    It's BS.

  • +16

    Thanks everyone - message received. We'll (sadly) continue our search elsewhere!

    • +7

      Wow an OP that takes the advice given.

      +1000 to you Sir

  • Thanks so much, the snippets provided will assist at auction.

    See you on the day!


  • I wouldn't pay much more than land value.

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