The animated science-fiction adventures of Rick and Morty are irreverent, shocking, and hilarious—from the cynical and rapid-fire one liners, to the grotesquely and endearing character designs. Now, take a deep trans-dimensional dive into the creation of these many insane universes with The Art of Rick and Morty!
The Art of Rick and Morty - $39.90 Delivered @ Unleash Store
Employee[Deactivated] @ Unleash Store Australia on 01/04/2022 - 16:32 (213 clicks)
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closed Comments
Is this different?…
Also, there's a Volume 2: a bargain.
Cheaper on Bezos Land and free delivery.
Just don't use your dad's credit card!
I'll give you $40 for both Vol 1 and Vol 2 delivered.
Else, move along RRP store.
Sorry I’m not intelligent enough to understand the humour.
Is this different from the hardcover book that came with the limited edition blu-rays of seasons 1-3?
Full RRP, no bargain here
Why is it a bargain?