• expired

$160 Total Discount for New Referred Customers ($120, $20, $20 off First 3 Boxes) + $9.99 Delivery @ HelloFresh

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New email has arrived with upped bonus credit of $160. Keep trying different referral links until you find one with $160 off.


Referral Links

$115-$125 off 1st Box: random (378)

$115-$125 off First Box, $20 off 2nd & $10/$20 3rd Box + $9.99 Delivery for Referees, $80 Credit for Referrer.

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closed Comments

  • I can already see a code giveaway megathread is going to be needed

  • Took me about 10 referral code clicks but I found one.
    I'm new to hellofresh stuff. If I only want to make use of the first $120 off, at what point do I cancel my subscription?

    • +2

      After Delivery of 1st box (which you will get on weekend). Cancel before Tuesday Night after that weekend.

      • Thanks for letting me know.

      • Also thanks

  • +4

    For anyone wondering, I’ve found consistently much better quality with MarleySpoon.

    Not to take away from this offer, as discounts are always good.

    MarleySpoon seems to have more interesting recipes, and interesting ingredients. HelloFresh seems to just be ‘boring’ tacos, pastas, etc. I found them all to be all a bit ‘meh’.

    Just mentioning my experience in case anyone wanted an opinion on these two key players in the home cooking space.

    • +2

      I agree - MarleySpoon has heaps more vegetarian-friendly recipes as well.

  • Try EveryPlate - much cheaper in the long run. Meats are fresher and more flexible delivery options.

  • For vegetarians/vegan HF seems to offer much better options than MarleySpoon and EveryPlate. A greater range of recipes and they all have a protein included, where MS and EP are almost entirely just vegetables.

    A lot more expensive though, so I definitely recommend trying it with this deal.

    • +1

      MarleySpoon’s menu is almost entirely vegetables?

      You’re either a HelloFresh employee, or this must be satire/a joke.

      I have no idea where you came up with this comment, but I can only imagine that this is how politics becomes so messy. Comments and opinions with simply no basis in reality.

      • I came up with this after trying all 3 several times over the past year. Simply stating that HF has "protein" options in all vegan/vegetarian meals e.g. tofu, faux meat whereas the rest offer beans or no high-protein vegan/veg options

        Marley Spoon is miles ahead of EveryPlate in terms of exciting vegan options, but this deal specifically - taking advantage of 5 meals per week, there's more variety.

  • Maybe we should wipe the codes or start a megathread? I've got a working code if needed.

  • Not sure if I'm just unlucky, but I've tried about 50 referrals and can only see $70 as the max discount on the first box.

    edit: I can see the discount once I select 4 people, if you choose 2 people you'll only get $65.94 on the first box.

  • Can someone confirm what they see on their order summary (discount applied) on the page where you select your meals? (Its the page/paper looking icon button).

  • I have $100 off code if anyone wants that

  • I think this is done. Been trying for a while and not getting any discount applied. Anyone got this working recently?

    • Ok I was clicking on the goto deal button rather than referring, apologies!

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