I'm in my late 30's and have damaged my hip over the years with sports and work (was a carpenter).
I have finally come to the conclusion that I actually need to get a hip replacement after seeing four different specialists over the past 10 years. all of which were telling me to put it off as long as I can manage the pain.
I it's become so painful that it's actually affecting my day-to-day life so I'm going for the surgery.
I was given this number (49318) to quote to the Health fund to ensure that they cover the surgery.
My plan is to get a decent private health fund so I can get a hip replacement with my doctor of choice. I was wondering if anyone on here has had a hip replacement in the past couple of years and what was their experience with their health fund as in did they cover the rehabilitation afterwards, what am I expecting out of pocket etc?
any advice would be a great help
Just be mindful there is a waiting period for pre-existing conditions, you can google it up for the insurers in Australia.
e.g. this is a HCF one https://www.hcf.com.au/health-agenda/health-care/research-an…