Free Bugatti Veyron

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Ever wanted a super car but couldn't afford it? Now is your chance to get a Bugatti Veyron super car!

This is not an online competitions but a giveaway so everyone can get one!


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  • +2

    The Toner Guy just came by to fill up today.

    He's going to be angry tomorrow.

  • +11

    But it's so small! What is this, a car for ANTS?!!

    • -2

      Don't be racist. Garden gnomes have a right to drive too.

    • +4

      it needs to be at least,.. at least,.. THREE TIMES BIGGER!!

  • It's not every day someone gives away a Bugatti to every one that wants one!

  • -8

    I dont get it.

    It's a paper model, and its for free.
    Who would pay anything for it?

    It's a freebie, not a bargain. Neg, sorry.

    • +3

      freebies are so bargains, theres a whole section for it.

      • +1

        Is this technically a freebie though? The author of the project originally intended it to be free.

        If you enjoyed this free papercraft, please make a generous donation of any amount

        So, this is actually "donationware" and as such, not a freebie.

      • It's only a bargain if it wasn't free to begin with.

  • -7


  • -7

    Very cool!
    But no.

    plenty of free papercraft templates on the interwebz.

    • -2


  • -1

    SO LAME! my account isnt 30 days old so i cant cast negative votes. BUT NEGATIVE VOTE!

    • +6


  • -6

    Misleading - free paper not Free Bugatti Veyron.

    • …. This is Ozbargain, not Oprah.

    • +2

      Free Paper?? Where??

  • Is it "everyone can get one", or "anyone can get one" ?

  • Boo to all you negative naysayers. I give a plus for the initiative to make a paper car! Besides if you work in an office you have free paper! Yay!

    • everyone's mad from missing the winemarket deal

  • -6


  • +1

    Will this get me girls?

    • +4

      Only very small ones.

    • It'll impress the ones on the swings! I like swingers!!

  • Think I'll actually make this, doesn't look too complicated but the model is very pretty :)

    • lol. the first chick that opened it thought it was just her.


  • +5

    Too lazy to make one.

  • I wonder if the logo on the wall, VISUAL SPICER, also a papercraft.

  • -3

    misleading title..

  • +1

    ?? Its just a template. I can give YOU a template for a 3D star. Worth it to make it on ozbargain? NO.

  • Please put "Paper" in your title, in case some lazy a$$ dun wanna read further and get a heart attack.

  • +2

    Who seriously come here thinking you will get a free bugatti?

  • +1

    Bloody hell 44 papers!!
    Look at the guy on the video he made his car for 9 days with 9 different shirts LOL

  • Can't even see how this makes it as a freebie (takes time, paper, toner, patience, etc), and certainly was no deal. There are so many plans for every thing from paper planes to houses to nuclear weapons (probably) on the net. But why would you make out free plans for a house means a free house, similarly this 'car'??
    Can't see it is OB worthy. (But like many things on the net, it is interesting)

  • My work automatically prints on both sides of the paper, my Veyron is going to look like an Alien spacecraft.

  • This is an excellent paper model - 3D Dragon, really cool and nowhere near as much work:…

    Watch the video, then find the links in the text to download the PDFs

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