Lowest since black Friday.
Easily shuckable CMR white label drive. I managed 5 x WD140EDGZ from black Friday sales and they work great in my NAS.
AC Adapter required if using as an external which can be claimed from WD Australia.
Lowest since black Friday.
Easily shuckable CMR white label drive. I managed 5 x WD140EDGZ from black Friday sales and they work great in my NAS.
AC Adapter required if using as an external which can be claimed from WD Australia.
My 10 tb recently died that i got a few years back.
This looks like a very good deal for a replacement.
did you lose much data
10 tb
I hope he backed it up into the cloud. I use backblaze to back up my drives. Its a small price to pay for peace of mind. Hard drives will fail, its just a matter of time.
@techlead: How much have you been paying BackBlaze B2? I've been paying +/- $18/month (worth almost 4TB data - locally stored on QNAP NAS) and been thinking, perhaps I should do data deduplication, prior to uploading it to B2.
@BigLeviathan: I paid $110 USD for a 2 year plan. Its the base plan, I didn't get any fancy add-ons, I just want cloud backup. I have backed up 18TB of data so far. One of my 4TB drive died, I was able to completely restore it from the cloud.
@techlead: Wow, that's cheap!
Did you have the personal (non B2 cloud storage) option; which is backed up using Windows/Mac?
@BigLeviathan: Yes, I didn't choose the B2 cloud storage option. The personal backup option is still available, at $7 a month, not too bad. That's $168 USD a year for unlimited cloud storage.
I don't need the B2 cloud storage option. My files are static, mostly videos and pictures.
@techlead: Thanks for your replies.
Seems, I would need to find an alternative solution here; been using QNAP NAS + Syncovery (backup software) to be able to backup directly to B2.
But, I might need to spin up Windows VM (inside QNAP NAS) and backup the files through Backblaze personal account from the looks of it…to be cheaper
@BigLeviathan: Have a look at iDrive. First year is only about $10 with coupons or when switching for up to 5TB. Their 10TB plan is good value too.
@BigLeviathan: You just need to connect it to your computer and back it up from there. I'm not sure how Backblaze works with NAS though, as I don't have one.
As long as its connected back within 30 days, its fine, otherwise they will remove the cloud backup.
@techlead: reasonable price. but my internet speed cannot compete with the NAS on the LAN… We need faster NBN…
@sanrs: No internet at the moment can compete with NAS on LAN, not even gigabit, the latency for the internet is always going to be higher.
The purpose of this cloud storage is not for ease of access, its just to be back up static data, like videos and pictures. They don't change, I just want to upload and forget about it until I need it.
Always back up your data, every disk you own will fail sooner or later.
They are easy to get hot in temperature, i did not shrunk and use fan to cool them down in the server rack.
Do they die in NAS or original packing?
I like to keep 1 external in the original usb enclosure as a dump disk, and that 10tb was the dump disk.
Luckily it died 3 weeks left within warranty, so was able to return it.
where did you get that?
3xCamels are showing 3rd party had them for that price 4 days ago but out of stock now.
It was Amazon US.
I don't see how this is a good deal.
Why'd you give it a big green positive vote?
Thanks, now have the third 14TB I wanted for my NAS.
Thanks OP, any insights on what drive is inside? would it be a 7200rpm CMR drive??
The UK drives i've got are:
Device Model: WDC WD140EDFZ-11A0000
Serial Number: YOMAMA
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 2acc09b8f
Firmware Version: 81.00A81
User Capacity: 14,000,519,643,136 bytes [14.0 TB]
Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Rotation Rate: 5400 rpm
Form Factor: 3.5 inches
Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
ATA Version is: ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is: SATA 3.2, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
The US/AU drives I got ~3 months ago are: WD140EDGZ (newer) but same specs(5400)
What a coincidence! I have the same serial number too.
Cheers man, thank you for sharing your drive states,
I am currently leaning towards 7200rpm CMR drives, but might have to bite the bullet on this one :/
7200 CMR could be a retired WD HC530 from CHIA farms, normally 8000-10000h, about $16-18/TB, hard to say if it is a deal, but it is cheaper, assume reaching 50000h without problem. need to take some risk.
Cheers OP. Here I go buying hard drives I don't need again.
Good price! I still need a 4th 16TB drive for my NAS, just being patient..
what is the drive inside?
Looking better. I'd prefer to pay a little bit less. Ok with smaller drives. Having 3 drives would be nice. Two to go in the NAS and one for cold storage.
Does anyone shuck these to use as their desktop drives or only for NAS? Was thinking to buy the red plus, but is this hard drive the same drive inside?
If you're going to throw it into your computer you'll probably have to deal with the 3.3v pin issue. Read solution two very carefully if you want to go down that route. You can really mess up your PC.
Thanks for letting me know! I am definitely worried about messing up my pc!
Not if you using an older style power connector
I have a Corsair rm850x, anyone know if this will play nicely or require tape mod?
Otherwise it was going to be the 6tb red plus on sale. But the ozbargainer in me wants more Tb per $, lol.
I have the 650X and needed the tape mod. However, it is really easy.
@greennick: I see, thanks, maybe for next time since the deal is over!
Haha don't need much atm yet, was originally going to get the red plus 6tb as it's an alright price atm, then this popped up.
I have 8 drives in 1 nas with a rm850 and 1 nas with a rm750. From memory only 1 or 2 drives required kapton tape to power on. Even though they were the same model drives on the same psu. Dunno if it was a firmware thing or pcb/drive batch reason. All edgz models worked without. See above for drive model details.
Not recommended to use a molex to sata adapter
IMO the best solution is to modify the SATA cable from the psu and remove the 3.3v wire).
You can usually pop the wire out of the connector quite easily — Be SURE you remove the correct wire —, if you later need 3.3v for something use a different sata wire (most modern psus have several, plus they are modular).
Much tidier solution than kapton IMO, plus the cheap kapton tape has terrible adhesive and tends to fly off(real kapton works very nicely but $$$). If you are too scared to modify your original cable, get a Sata extention with 2 or 4 ports and modify that.
I bought some kapton wire to mod a shucked hard drive but I haven't tried putting a shucked drive into my PC. Still a bit worried about it all I guess. I'd be even less confidant doing what you suggest.
I'll probably keep doing what I'm doing. Keep shucked drives in my NAS and regular HDDs in my PC.
@ozbs25: Well do what you are confident with of course, but I think that 3.3v removal on the cable is easier than modding every drive
Here is a guide showing how easy it is :
And if you want to do the mod on an extension cable instead, their suggested one is only $13AUD on Amazon, so very little risk.
The mod sorts the problem out once and for all, (and nothing uses 3.3v over sata, because people have been using molex adapters since its inception which don't have it).
@mudvin: It does look pretty easy actually. I'd have to get more shucked drives to put in my PC before I do anything in any case.
Thanks for the info.
That price doesn't include import fees right?
Yes it does. You will get hit with additional fees if you order more than AUD$1000. I've found doing multiple orders under $1000 seems to avoid them and I'm sure Amazon would contact you prior to charging you any additional fees if it were deemed necessary. If you do not have prime you will have to pay a delivery fee in which case sign up for a month and cancel if you want as it's $6.99 for one month of prime opposed to $20+ for one delivery non prime.
This is sold through Amazon US on the AU site. There are no additional fees even if you order over $1000, since Amazon takes care of any importation fees and GST is already included.
Not from my experience as a prime member.
Added 4 drives to cart:
Added 3 drives to cart:
@Karijini: Sorry about that my advice was clearly wrong!
I must admit I've never bothered to read the terms and conditions of Amazon's Global Store before and I'd always assumed that Amazon imported the orders in bulk and effectively sold them locally rather than clearing each order through customs individually.
Ah thanks that's what I was missing. Most of the recent Amazon deals I have tried adding 4+ to cart and stopping after seeing the import fees added. Yeah having cart total <$1k seems to be the way to avoid it.
No worries at all.
Great deal - thanks OP! Drive #2 into my 4-Bay NAS
Can we claim 28 degrees price protection for products like these? (Amazon US via AU)
14TB is a lot of pr0n
What do you mean? These are for Linux ISOs.
Not sure shucking is worth the risk considering that a proper Red Plus 14TB costs only $401? Don't know if this Red Plus has a full WD manufacturer's warranty.
I'm tempted to shuck and build a NAS just for the sake of tech satisfaction. But I have no idea what to store. Please help me with some usecase.
Lots of Linux ISO's ;-)
Nice to see baby boomers still buying PC HW, but nobody stores Linux distros… it's all about raw 8k cat movies now.
Judging by the name, "Cat movies" is the same type of content as "Linux ISO's" ;-)
Thanks for the heads up, don't like Amazon though and ordered at B&H which ended up with the same price for 2:
How come it is the same price? I tried to calculate the price from bhphotovideo website to Victoria: US$260.70 (which equates to AU$349.11 according to xe.com)
Genuine question
Update: don't worry; missed the 2 disks part. and yes, if you are buying 2, it'll be the same price
How come it's the same price for you guys?
2x WD 14TB Elements
Subtotal: $479.98
Shipping starting from $51.51
Duties & Taxes $53.15
Total $584.64 = $782 AUD ($391) each.
Or BH just raised the price?
Yea, looks like BH just raised its price….
Hard disk interface USB 1.1? LOL
is it the ghetto model?:
This one's better:
The USB 1.1 typo is indicative of the attention to detail a sub-$500 product gets on the web site. Drive looks good.
Beat me to it, glad to see prices coming down, hopefully this trend continues! Note that this deal ends in ~20h and 30min.