This was posted 2 years 11 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate $37.05 Per Year + Fee + $1 (+ $15.95 Expired Users) for up to 3 Years @ Best-Pick on Eneba (Need TR VPN)


A VPN to Turkey must be used for this deal. Only works on accounts with no active GPU (expired or new members).

Purchase Xbox Live Gold $40.50 per year for up to 3 years, and add 1 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1 (new users) or $15.95 (expired users). The Xbox Live Gold subscription will then be upgraded to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.


Key for a year: $42.58
Service fees with PayPal: $3.55 ($3.33 with CreditCard)
Discount: -$5.55

End-price per year: $40.50

The Xbox Live Gold 12 Month end-price is $40.50 on Eneba (as indicated below), but the user must also redeem a month of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1 for new users and $15.95 for expired users to the whole price.
(Therefore slightly cheaper per month to buy three years (max)).*

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Buy up to three 12-month subscriptions for Xbox Live Gold.
  2. Connect to Turkey via VPN - (Recommend using the free Windscribe Chrome extension)
  3. Once connected, navigate to and sign in with your normal Microsoft/Xbox account.
  4. Enter the code as normal, redeem and turn off the VPN
    Any subscription on your Xbox account can be topped up up to 36 months.

  5. After you've activated the Xbox Live Gold, redeem the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate month from the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate landing page.
    (Will add $1 for new users and $15.95 for expired users to the whole price).

The (up to) 36 months of Xbox Live Gold should show as 36 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on your account now.

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closed Comments

  • I was only charged $1 for ultimate, so paid $41.56 all up (I use my bank for the international currency conversion).

    My old XBL Ultimate expired a few months ago.

    Thanks! Something I didn't need, ha

    • +1

      You only bought 1 year? Oops

      • +6

        I'm casual at best, I do a year at a time, for $40 its a no brainer, but 80 or 120 seems too much haha

        • +11

          I like to think you'll regret this in 12 months but enjoy nevertheless ☺️

          • +1

            @King Steuart: I didn't regret it last time, and I also didn't think I'd be able to do it again, so I'm full well expecting that this time next year, I'll have to pay full price, and I'm ok with that too

          • @King Steuart: I've been doing the $1 deals for years. Just the 1 month for $1

            Never regretted not signing up for several years because I just don't get that much use out of it. 1 month is enough to find a game a like and play through the campaign or a bit of multiplayer.

            • @Harold Halfprice: So does that mean, you can do a trial again every year for $1?

              • @wasdw246: I don't know how often you can do it, but I've done it multiple times.

                Every so often it seems to let me sign up again for $1.

    • +3

      Why the neg, it clearly says "Only works on accounts with no active GPU (expired or new members)." in the post.

      • Nope, I never had GPU. This might have worked in past, but it doesn't anymore if you have a active gold account.

  • +1

    Help. I purchased the 12 months using windscribe vpn. I then tried to upgrade to ultimate for $1 and it said change your microsoft store region.

    • This does not work on PC game pass . at least did not work for me and few others, maybe try your luck with Microsoft support and play dumb

    • +1

      Make sure the upgrade step is done without a VPN.
      If you tried it without a VPN then this is related to the region set in your Microsoft account. Couple of possible reasons this may happen which some people ran into from the last deal:

      • Your region is not set to Australia OR
      • Your account was not set to Australia before you claimed the Gold. You are then trying to convert a Gold subscription in Australia which it won't allow. See below user's comment Or you can contact Microsoft support to help with this.
      • You have an expired credit card OR a credit card with a billing address not in Australia linked to your Microsoft account
  • Thank you bought 2 x yrs for my sons account - was apprehensive but it turned out to be very straight forward - Thanks OP

  • +3

    The new PS plus/now service (PS deluxe) will cost you $300 per year in comparison and you won't even be able to do cloud play. Sony is really milking it at this point.

    • -8

      Well, Sony basically has a monopoly on Gaming.
      Even MS with the purchase of Bethesda, Activision, Blizzard isn't nearly as large. Nintendo has it's own exclusives, but Sony simply has many more studios and exclusives. Valve has it's own studios, but they're small fry. There are some other behemoths like Roblox, or Tencent from China. And the minority goes to Indie developers.

      However, most of the profits go to Mobile Gaming.
      And from this, the company which actually makes the most revenue and profit from Gaming in the world, and is currently making historically new levels of wealth is actually Apple. It is a known-secret, the largest Gaming Company in the world is Apple, they make the most consoles (iPhone) and have the most revenue (30% cut, from In-App Purchases). It's wild.

      • +2

        MS has 23 studios vs Sony's 19. MS owns studios like Mojang, 343, Bethesda, iD, Zenimax, and soon Activision. A Sony's studio game doesn't even make the top 50 list of most sold games of all time. In fact Nintendo has close to 30 in the top 50 sold all time.

        Sony have much better exclusives (imo) but they definitely don't have a monopoly in gaming.

        • With 23 studios, MS can't even secure themselves exclusives other than Forza and Halo. Honestly I've regretted getting an XBX. I meanGamepass is a great way to play older titles on a budget but sometimes if I feel like shouldve gotten XB1 and a PS5 (if they become available) to get the latest exclusive games. It just really wasn't the experience I was expecting in getting a new gen consoles.

          Just my opinion, not a fan boy. please don't hate.

          • @Bargains4days: Totally understand. I have a PS5 and a PC so get the best of both worlds. I haven't had the need to subscribe to game pass longer than a month after a new game release because the library is filled with older titles I already own/played but it is amazing value for people who haven't played many of the titles in the library.

            • @manbatman: In terms of history, a Windows Gaming PC, has been the best console of all time.
              Especially when you start off in mid-2000's and upgrade in distinct points:

              2001 Windows Xp Pro, AMD Athlon-64bit 2.0GHz Solo CPU, ATi R300 DirectX 9.0 GPU, 256MB DDR1 RAM, and 100GB Hard-drive.
              2005 Windows Xp Pro SP2, AMD AthlonX2 2.5GHz CPU, ATi R500 512MB GPU, 1GB DDR2 RAM, and 200GB Hard-drive.
              2009 Windows7 Pro, AMD AthlonX4 3.0GHz CPU, ATi GPU, 4GB DDR2 RAM, 50GB SSD and 500GB Hard-drive.
              2012 Windows7 Pro, Intel Core i5-2500k 4.0GHz CPU, AMD HD7970 GPU, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 128GB SSD and 1TB Hard-drive.
              2015 Windows10 Pro, Intel Core i7-3770k 4.5GHz CPU, GTX 980 GPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM, 512GB SSD and 2TB Hard-drive.
              2019 Windows10 Pro, AMD r7-3700 CPU 4.5GHz CPU, GTX 1080Ti GPU, 16GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB SSD and 4TB Hard-drive.

              However, this give you QUANTITY of games. It doesn't necessarily give you QUALITY, and you basically miss out on the EXCLUSIVES. That last point could be a little subjective opinion.

      • +1

        how does sony have a monopoly on gaming? do you understand what a monopoly is?

    • I think Premium for Aus would have been somewhere around $159.99 per year but since we're getting Deluxe it'll be something like $145 per year. Which IMO is way too high for the value, or lack there of

      • +1

        Deluxe will be more expensive than extra but less than premium from what I've read. Approx 20 - 25 aud a month. Probably cheaper like you said for the yearly one.

    • Math is a bit off there champ. Can't compare the monthly price of once service to an annual price of the other.

    • It does not cost $300 per year for the top tier. Its priced at $119.99 US per year. AU pricing has not been released yet.…

    • +1

      PS Plus is lame because it won't include day 1 releases. That's just like um what's the point if you've likely already got all the old games. I definitely use the Series X so much more than the PS5, can't even remember the last time I turned on the PS5.

      • Sony can't afford to include day one games. MS is able to do so because they're burning through money and shifting their business model. If Sony continue to release high quality exclusives and sell well they don't have a reason to change.

        • My heart pumps custard for Sony

    • That's why more and more people/kids coming over to Xbox

  • +1

    I know it says "Only works on accounts with no active GPU" so does this work if I have the normal game pass subscription active?

    • You will get one month of game pass for three months of gold (so basically 4 months for $37.05), so you can do it, but it is not so good deal.

      • Can you still buy this for a non-member?

        I don't have an Xbox, but I would be interested in making an account. Adding/stacking 3-years subscription. Upgrading it to Ultimate. Then using the Xcloud feature to play these AAA-titles on my phone, or even on the Retroid Pocket 2+. That $120 looks pricey but it feels much cheaper than the 3x $80 that Sony typically charges, and that doesn't include all the features that MS is throwing in.

        • You would need a Microsoft Account. This is all account based. I don't think you would need a console at all as PC gaming is included in this deal.

  • +4

    Every time my PC subscription ends Microsoft have let me sign up again for $1 for one month. I've been doing this for the past 6 months. Yes it is random but $6 for 6 months? Can't beat that deal.

    • same, pretty good

    • Just checked and I will try your way as well. Cheers

    • Just confirming my subscription ended today and they are offering I rejoin for $1 again. Lol. They really want to inflate these numbers for the end of financial year reporting.

  • My GPU subscription expires in 2 days. Can I just buy this now, let my sub expire, and then redeem the codes?

    I've read through a lot of comments on similar posts to this but I'm left feeling a bit unsure

    • +5

      Yeah if it's in 2 days id say you're probably ok. Some people have had bad experiences with codes not working or being sold again so try to use them as soon as possible

      • Well I'll hope for the best then, thank you!

    • It will not work if you have a active Xbox gold account. You will need to cancel subscription, wait for period to end, change all location details, then try claiming it.

  • This deal does NOT WORK ON "PC" GAME PASS. There. I said it

    • what exactly is PC game pass? urgh don't tell me i just bought the wrong pass…..

      • +1

        If you buy game pass ultimate you can use it on pc and xbox.

        • stuck on this part though:

          After you've activated the Xbox Live Gold, redeem the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate month from the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate landing page(
          (Will add $1 for new users and $15.95 for expired users to the whole price).

          I've got 3 years of live gold now, but it says change my microsoft store region in order to get the $1 xbox game pass ultimate - also, is this $1 per month or $1 forever?

          • @CalmLemons: When you chose the $1 option it will change the 3 years of xbox live gold to 3 years of gpu.

            • @GoonSack69: Wont' let me, says my subscription is in the wrong region. Should I try and do it on xbox directly?

              "Change your Microsoft Store region
              You currently have a subscription from a different region. If it still doesn't work, please contact customer support."

              • @CalmLemons: Didn't have that issue when I did it last deal, yeah try on your xbox.

                • @GoonSack69: nope. even changed the region on the xbox. looks like i just wasted $120 on live gold that i don't even use lol.

                  • @CalmLemons: Contact xbox support and tell them you are trying to upgrade your subscription to gamepass and it's giving you a region error. They sorted it out for me.

                  • +2

                    @CalmLemons: Found this solution online

                    Go to your -> your account -> my subscriptions. Check the billing info for your current active subscription. It should show you which region the subscription is set to (mine was set to Argentina) , now set the region in my profile to this and change the site to the same region. You should be able to upgrade. Afterwards set your region back to your country.

                    Hope you're able to get it working.

                    • @GoonSack69: Saw this too on google. Doesn't display the region in subscriptions.

                    • @GoonSack69: Where exactly do you see the region for your subscription? I don't see a region on that page.

                      • +1

                        @ghostMutt6: Doesn't show. I actually tried changing the region to US and got a lot further. even changed paypal address and credit card address on xbox to a fake us address and it changed the error message but still didn't get through.

                        Doesn't give the subscription from a different region error but now gives me "The region in which your paymention option was issued and your store region need to match" and this is directly on the xbox so OMFG. lol

                        • @CalmLemons: Same thing happened to me when I changed the store region to the UK (which my Microsoft profile was originally set to for some reason). I got a little further, set a fake UK address, got the same error. So frustrating haha.

                          I think I'm going to just try contacting Microsoft support tomorrow

                          • +1

                            @ghostMutt6: I just spoke to them this morning. They changed it over to Australia with no issues.

                            • @damo3032: I spoke to them this morning and they put in a ticket for me. Hopefully they'll get back to me tomorrow

                            • +1

                              @damo3032: Just got off the phone with them and a new agent had taken over and transferred the region. Just upgraded my sub to ultimate, so now I'm back on gamepass with 3 years on my account! Woohoo!

          • @CalmLemons: Read my heavily down voted comment above! It will never it work if you have a active Xbox gold account!

    • Just activated this deal on my account and it does include PC Game Pass

  • +1

    If you have game pass for 2 years already, can I still buy 1 more year to make it 3 years?

  • Didn't active Ultimate. I got region error, anyway to fix this?

    • +1

      Couldn't figure it out, contacted MS support and they have applied it manually in my region over the phone :)

      • +1

        what was 'your region'? lol

        • Australia is my region, the purchase region is from Turkey according to OP. Interestingly enough they said the purchase region was US.

          If they question if you relocated you could just say yes. :D

          • @jay123123: Having the same problem. What number did you call to contact Microsoft?

            • +2

              @Duece1995: Doing this right now. You have to go via the contact us in xbox support and request a call back.

              The subscription will be set to US, and you have to request for it to changed to Australia.

              Call using an american accent and say you moved over. lol

              They don't care cause the call centre is like you know where.

  • Just confirming this will work with my existing Australian Xbox account (with expired game pass)?

    • -1

      Yeah it should.

    • Nope it was won't!! I tried everything and spend 1 hr on chat with Xbox support. In short you'll have to cancel your subscription, wait til end of period, then change all location details, and try again.

      • Re-read the comment, they said their subscription is expired, so it will work.

        • -1

          Nope! It's saying expired GPU, and I'm telling you this won't work if you have active XBL. This whole post & it's likes seem dodgy.

          • @hoha99: So all the other comments claiming this has worked for them are also dodgy huh?
            And Microsoft's own page about upgrading Gold is a sham?

            • @wangasm: Go on then… Buy it! Buy 2 in fact to prove the random guy on the forint wrong! :)

              • @hoha99: I already bought 2 years worth of Gold 1 year ago and it's still working, crazy isn't it? :)

                • @wangasm: Exactly! I bought 2 weeks ago and telling you it doesn't work of you have XBL anymore. If your info is 2 years old, maybe it's better to keep quiet in these forums.

                  • @hoha99: If I was wrong this deal wouldn't be so popular and worked for so many people that just bought it. You must have done something wrong?

  • So do I do this on PC or does it have to be done through the xbox console?

    Total xbox noob, have xbox x signed in with kids account. Should I use that account or use my own microsoft account?

    • Is the region also meant to be turkey on eneba or am I meant to turn off vpn at this point?

  • Im an existing member will this work for me or do I have stop my membership and wait for this month to run out?

    • +1

      I'd stop the membership and wait for it to lapse before buying a code.

      I've been burnt before stockpiling codes to use when my membership expires, the first few work fine but the rest show up as invalid.

  • Got it working pretty smoothly. Cheers for the instructions!

    Somehow got the GPU upgrade for $1 as well, even though I have availed that offer before (multiple times infact). Banger of a deal.

  • It actually cost only 20 AUD to get 13 months from taobao if you have a new account. Afterall you can play with any account after you download the game.

    • +4

      How do I do that?

  • Awesome! Thanks OP!

  • Wow, it seems the cheapest ever.

  • Worked perfectly. 3 years of GPU to up to an expired account using NordVPN.

  • I only did this last week for around $45.. sigh.

    What I did encounter though was I only did one year first to see if it worked and it did however after purchasing the next two years the only two free Turkey options on Windscribe were unavailable and I had to pay $2 for the only other option left to connect to a Turkey server.

    Not a big deal but thought I'd point it out.

  • Hi OP, can you confirm if there are 3 years available for purchase? Tried to add more than 1 year to cart and its unable to

  • can not purchase 3x12month subscription.

  • Bought off this site late last year and worked like a charm, even cheaper now so no brainer at this price.

    I don't even have an Xbox but I've gotten my value already from xcloud/PC game pass.

  • I can't seem to buy more than 1 on the website, is it sold out?

    • +1

      The link on this post takes you to an expired product. Make sure you have your Turkey VPN connected and click the link for Store>Memberships>Xbox Live Memberships on the same page. It should show you all the available products which includes a 12 month live gold subscription. I completed the purchase of 3x12 month live gold and then the $15.95 upgrade about fifteen minutes ago. Total cost was $119.33 + $15.95. Also, I was only able to enter the discount code AUTR after I had selected a payment method.

      • Thanks, this worked. My subscription expires in May so just pre-buying this to switch as soon as it expires.

      • Cheers for the tip mate, worked for me now. For some reason I only got charged $1 for the Ultimate upgrade! But I was definitely an existing user and previous sub expired in Dec. Ah well not complaining…subbed till 2025 for $120 is incredible :p

  • Does the three year deal and Ultimate upgrade work if you have a current Gold subscription? Cheers

    • Gold is what converts to GPU. Extend your Gold subscription as much as you can (max is 36 months), then it will ask you to convert to GPU

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