As there not much about this "Jurassic World by Brickman - The Australian Museum" ( I thought I would start a post.
Prices: (+$4.95 handling fee if buying online)
Ticket type / Price
Adult $35
Child (3-15 years) $25
Family (admits 4) 2A+2C / 1A+3C $95
Concession $27.50
+ Getting there which with petrol and public transport prices being so high it is its going to add up (for my son and I return on the train was $21). Remember free public transport is coming in the school holidays (but it could be very busy)
I couldn't find any but instead of booking online you can just buy your tickets at the door and save $4.95. While it could be booked out that is very unlikely and I would not recommend going at a peak time anyway as no one will enjoy it.
And no you cant use the NSW Gov vouchers unless you buy an annual pass for the museum which doesn't give you much given the museum has free entry. But if your not going to use your Parent Vouchers you can use $100 worth and pay $35 extra for a family pass (2A+4C) only available in person at the museum (single entry only).
Worth going ?:
Well depends on how much money you have, if money is no object yeah kids will like it but its mostly the time spent playing with the troughs of bricks as there's not much to see.
I wouldn't sacrifice say buying the kids a good Lego set that's for sure.
They say there are 50 large scale dinosaurs but that's BS. There are a bunch of dinos that are in cases that look like regular retail Lego set size and that's how they get 50.
The ones worth seeing are around:
3x Duplo dinos,
3-4 eggs at various stages of hatching (around 2x the size if a basket ball),
5 small (say 1m high (including 2 flying over the escalator),
2x life size + 2x heads only of the raptors,
a mosaic of mosasaurus
the front of a jeep,
and the head of a trex.
There is also a handful of small things to see like the DNA strand and a monorail etc
Without paying you can see a life size Baryonyx and the Jurassic World Front Gate.
The museum has a dinosaur section which is quite good and you can see a full size lego dino and the JW gate for free so if your on a budget just go to the Museum instead.
Just go in with 1 adult as there isn't really much to see so save the extra $35
Have little kids ? maybe take then in a pram as under 3 year old's for free :)
Take your time, its small so do all the building sections otherwise you will be done in 10min.
Be warned there is a shop at the end so be prepared if you plan to give the kids something maybe pre buy it from Kmart or Amazon (some sets where twice the kmart price but most around RRP)
Go there with low expectations so you can only be impressed. It should cost $10 per person as that's what's its worth.
+1 Wow, thanks for the heads up, was thinking about it, now reconsidering.