Asus Radeon Dual RX 6600 8G Graphics Card $469
This looks to be the all time low, even cheaper than launch.
I still think prices will go lower.
Asus Radeon Dual RX 6600 8G Graphics Card $469
This looks to be the all time low, even cheaper than launch.
I still think prices will go lower.
If you take away the 10% GST we are already under the $329USD MSRP for the 6600 8GB
2060 super was around this price 2 years ago, so we are only just back to where it all started :)
Exactly most people fail to grasp this
6600 8gb is faster
This product was also not hailed as good value on its release, so not a great news.
The world is healing ♥🌏
Now if only someone passed this memo on to the scalpers and 2nd hand seller dreamers on ebay, gumtree etc
2nd hand seller dreamers
As though they're the problem. How tone-deaf.
Feel bad i pulled the trigger at $492 delivered :)
So which GPU did you actually buy?
Asus Radeon Dual RX 6600 8G - Ebay After pay sale deal.. i still haven't even been charged my first payment lol it comes out on the 1st… using the card now.. it runs cool and uses 100w awesome AMD tech.. this will go well inside a media/emulator PC when i upgrade to a RDNA3 7600XT = RTX3090 performance later in the year
How does your 6600 use 100w btw? My 6600xt is only using 50W
@dntfkwthunicrns: MAX 100% load gaming… i have a Belkin power reader plugged into my PC.. total usage at the moment is 70w with a Ryzen 3700X
@vid_ghost: when you measure from the outlet you have to add on the inefficiency of the power supply to the total, if it's 80% efficient it's going to need 20% more watts at the plug to deliver the spec at the motherboard level
@dntfkwthunicrns: mine actually max out at around 99w accroding to aida64, my cpu draws 78ish at max, so on the wall it's drawing around 210w (killawatt)
Don't regret your purchase! Buyers remorse is the worst!
Now it's just a matter of this - how much do you value the enjoyment you've had from the card between purchase date and now?
If it was a good price when you bought it, then no harm no foul. Fun is priceless
Things are always going down in price, to focus on that is missing the point.
We buy things to bring us pleasure, improve our lives or save us time. So focus on the benefits you've been getting instead of the money, you'll have more money at your next paycheck but not replace that fun and experience you had enjoying a game.
exactly my point brother
does this require pcie 4.0 for full utilization / performance ?
nope. PCI 4.0 improves performance 1-2% MAX if at all
nope, full x16 bandwidth means you are not bottlenecked on gen 3
6600 is a PCIe 4.0 x8 card
Still doesn’t bottleneck on gen 3 unlike the 6500 XT which is a Gen 4 x4 card
oh okay, sorry, I had no idea.
Thats only for 6500XT.
Hope to see this GPU prebuilts under $1k soon
wait till the mining farms start selling up their cards, the bloodbath will be glorious,
im a real one i will hold until below RRP even if it takes until next year
This is already below rrp
rrp is 329 usd which is ~440 aud, not even close
and i will hold for a better card below rrp, this card is kinda shit
Plus GST it’s actually under RRP. One of the first comments mentioned this.
USA price is exc tax.
You do you just saying, usually we pay msrp plus gst plus Australia tax, so this is pretty decent.
I'm very noob to all of this so below AUD440 for a 6600 is when I pull the trigger?
@limucat: if you need a gpu now this is a good price for 1080p compared to the last couple of years, but im personally waiting for 3060ti or something similar to hit RRP or below
Keep in mind the RRP is a load of crap though. Using RRP as a gauge for good value probably isn't the way to go. Need to keep in mind historical pricing too for various models.
The way I deal with these things is set a price I'd be happy to pay, once it hits that price - amazing if not then it wasn't important enough.
It's like holding on anything else though now. Price drops occur because it is old tech rather than because btc was pushing up prices.
bitcoin has gained some momentum recently. now 1bt=usd47,150
Yep.. crypto is pumping hard… we may not see a huge drop in gpu prices and some may regret waiting.
April is always a good month for BTC
how does the 6500 compare to the 6600?
6500 is dog crap. 6600 is competent for 1080p. If using pcie3 6500 is terrible
But will it mine
Is this better than a gtx 1070?
I believe it’s better than the GTX1080 in most cases
Yep.. and a 6600xt is better then a 1080ti.. sometimes by 15%.. looking at the youtube videos or card vs card
Cmon it's not a rtx3050
Are you getting confused with the 6500 XT?
He's getting his mouth and his ass confused
I just read his username. I have a hunch that he may be just a little biased against AMD cards
@FireRunner: I don’t like amd graphics cards but they do make decent apu’s and CPU’s. the rx 6600 is just a shitty gpu for gaming, you are honestly better buying a next gen console for gaming than an rx 6600. But I will admit I am biased towards intel and nvidia.
@AMDisDooDoo: Shitty by what measure? If we go by objective standards, its dollar/fps ratio is good. Another poster gave us this relative performance chart:
So, this 6600 has a ratio of about 470/50 = 9.4
Compare this with what I think is nVidia's best bang for buck gpu, the 3060 ti
Recent sales had decent models at about $700.
700/70 = 10
You are getting nearly identical value.
@naturaldecay: Natural decay dollar to fps don’t mean shit. Crossfire and sli don’t work very well for gaming so buying multiple rx 6600s and putting them in one rig is difficult. Not to mention most motherboards have like 2 - 3 pcie slots of which depending on the size of gpu some slots may be unaccessible. So multiple gpus in one system is not realistic. So basically most motherboard will really only be able to have one gpu. So as my point was before fps per dollar don’t mean shit unless you are able to put multiple rx 6600s into a system. Or you know you can get a job, work hard and buy a 3080 which has good performance and is only like 1200 - 1500 atm and then you can have a good gaming system and stop using the excuse “it has a good fps/dollar ratio” as a reason to be cheap. Anyway if you enjoy playing at low frame rates at 1080p then good on you but I actually like having max settings with 1440p at 240 fps.
@AMDisDooDoo: Dollar/fps is literally the most important objective measure for these things. Your point about crossfire/SLI is moot because the performance gains are very marginal- maybe 30%, so why would anyone bother. We are comparing the merits of these GPUs on their own, crossfire/SLI is an unrelated novelty. My personal wants from a GPU are clearly different to yours. All I want is a gpu that can play AAA games at 60 fps, which this achieves, and it achieves it at something like 35% of the price of a 3080. I literally do not care/cannot tell the difference above 120 FPS, especially considering video game graphics have pretty much reached saturation.
I don't understand your point around working hard and money etc. Is buying an expensive piece of silicon a good measure for satisfaction in life? Shouldn't we seek to maximise value? We are on ozbargain after all. In any case, I am happy for you to buy the 4090s and so on because you literally subsidise the price of mid tier GPUs for us.
@naturaldecay: Dollar per fps is not a good measurement like shit card for cheap is still a shit card. There is a big difference between 60 and 120 and then an even bigger between 120 and 240 fps. 60 looks shit, I get nausea looking at refresh rates below 144, 240 runs very smooth and it is very satisfying. 60 is only good if you are playing a single player player vs entity or adventure/non shooter games. Otherwise 60 looks terrible. Maybe 120 doesn’t look good for you because you have a bad monitor? Yes looking for a way to maximise value is good but it really depends on context, like when it comes to gaming value isn’t the most important factor, comfort and enjoyment are I don’t want some trash gpu that runs like 100fps at 1080p. My point about sli/crossfire is very relevant, price per fps could matter if you are able to put multiple gpus into one system, but it is not practical and thus price per fps is a shit measurement. Like if you want to play AAA games at 60fps and like “value” use a console they cost less than a pc with a 6600 and run 60 at good resolution. When it comes to a pc it is not what is the best value it is what is the best .period. A 3080 can run any game comfortably without having to tweak, lower settings, no compromises. I play lots of shooter games like valorant, Fortnite, and rainbow six siege, higher fps is quite literally pay to win, I used to be quite shit cos I was on 60hz on a console, then I switched to pc with a 3080 12700k and 32gb 3600mhz ram and I was within a week I was able to improve quite significantly . A 6600 will do about 144 fps at 1080p in most shooter games there is a massive difference between 144hz and 240hz a difference that is worth a thousand dollars more quite literally. Better value isn’t always a justification for buying the cheaper option. A 6600 is not future proof a 3080 is and will
last me for the next 3 - 6 years.
@Jimmy77: Of course the AMD card doesn't have DLSS or RTX. But, I would have thought that doesn't really apply in this price bracket. My understanding of DLSS is that it's more for doing RTX at very high resolutions. My subjective experience of DLSS is that it is really blurry- i'd rather play at low settings but a higher res. I tried it out on Control and I hated it. I don't know the fraction of new games that are coming out which support DLSS, but even if they all do I don't see why it's worth paying for a gimmick technology that makes stuff look worse (IMO).
@Dvbargain I don’t think it is normal for your genitals to be located on your forehead, maybe you should consult a doctor about that.
Yes he is
I paid around 750$ for this thing…….
Boggles the mind why people actually buy them at ripoff prices
are you talking about sydney house price?
well my 1070 blew up, and I bought the 5700g thinking I can wait till the price drop, then I was like fk it i'm buying a gpu anyways, here I am crying over my 750$ rx6600
Best thing to do would be keep it and wait until crypto booms again. Should be able to get around 700 for it then
how did it blow up
Hey - similar boat. Have 5700G + B550M and getting ~14FPS (what did I expect)
Apart from getting hit on $ do you rate the card?
Very good shart
not accurate if it is for mining right?
Bingo.. thats only for FPS not hash power but sometimes they are one in the same… power usage is a whole nother ballgame
inaccurate for mining, doesn't state non-LHR stats.
3080 non-LHR is faster than 3080 Ti for mining.
6700xt @ $600 and we have a bingo.
I paid $370 delivered for my GTX1660 Super in 2020 (Great 1080p).
2 Years later this card is +27% the price for +35% the performance, not great in itself but considering the last 1.5yr long absurdity this isn't bad either.
In Nov 2018 I paid $199 for an RX570-4GB, which would be $249 now given the inflation & exchange rate. That is +135% cost for +100% performance. The RX6600 is the same level as RX570 was, which itself was a refresh of the 5.5yr old RX470. We are talking almost a console generation in expected performance increase.
That being said, unless Intel provides big competition in the budget segments in the next 1-2yrs, I wouldn't expect to see budget-mid graphics cards below $299 again. Personally I think this GPU should be worth $349 this year given everything thats happened, but $399 is fine.
a tsunami of second-hand mining cards are prepared to absolutely flood the market like never before
We talking cards in the tens of millions.
Graphic cards are going down and will stay down until the market fully diggest all those additional supplies.
I'm gonna guess at least 18 months.
Why would miners sell their cards though?
Because ethereum is going proof of stake soon supposedly. It's by far the most profitable/reliable thing to mine, and has been for ages.
@ozoner: But remember they ca shift to ETC or Ravencoin, Ergo etc.
As of now ETC comes close in profitability but the overall hash rate is pretty low. That could change if miners do a mass exodus.
Showing $579.00 for me…
Sales ended…
How's ur RTX 3080 Tuf going? its da beast…
We are almost there…