Hi all,
Android phone and Chrome user here.
For years, when I visit this site I click Full Site and the page is formatted perfectly, all the front page deals on the left and the New Deals bar on the right.
Now, whether in mobile site or full site, the new deals bar is way at the bottom of the page.
I've tried logging out, clearing cache etc. No luck.
Is there a setting I'm missing?
There was a change that we pushed out around 2 weeks ago to better support desktop site on browsers with narrow width, i.e. tablets on portrait mode. When the width of the browser is less than certain size, the sidebar (which exists only on desktop site) automatically moves to the bottom of the page instead (plus reduced menu and other optimisations).
If you are on mobile site, there shouldn't even be a "new deals bar". For now, if you are on mobile with narrow-long display, it's best to stick to the mobile site.