The New Way To Shop - LikeMe!
iPad 3 16GB (Black) Wifi + 3G (4G) with Free Shipping currently at $611 but will drop even further.
Like it and watch the price drop even more. The more likes the cheaper it gets.
The New Way To Shop - LikeMe!
iPad 3 16GB (Black) Wifi + 3G (4G) with Free Shipping currently at $611 but will drop even further.
Like it and watch the price drop even more. The more likes the cheaper it gets.
Updated. Thanks!
4G is the model name and it technically does support 4G. If you're implying that the people here on OzB are as savvy as you think, then they will already know that 4G isn't currently supported in Australia. Therefore your point is moot.
4g is current supported in australia with telstra
LOL, my point is what 'kheob'?
hmmmm :/
why i get neg 4g is supported in australia, You can get an s2 or a HTC velocity and get 4g reception.
It just that this new i pad is not compartible with 4g in australia
I won't get into a disagreement over this but the model is "iPad" or "The new iPad" and it's being marketed by Apple as "4G". I think we can all agree there's a big difference between technically 4G and actually 4G, at least ACCC agree.
No, the model is Wi-Fi + 4G as opposed to Wi-Fi. That's what Apple is calling it, regardless of the court's ruling. Although it only supports 3G in Australia, that is not what the product is called.
I get your point that 4G isn't supported, but having the OP rename the product is also misleading.
By the looks of it every 100 likes is reducing the price by $1. You kidding right?
In detailed calculation, 1 like = 9.6cent. So it needs about 11 likes for reducing it by $1, IMHO. :D
But it seems it depends on the item offered as well. For Nespresso Coffee Machine they're offering, 1 like = $1.54 drop. While for Chanel Parfum, 1 like = $0.66 drop.
All it would take is for us to spam this on a few large sites who then go and tell all of their friends to like it, and eventually it would sell below cost. 2500 likes would make this iPad cost $200.
It wouldn't be hard to do. Post it here and on WP. Each person tells a few of their friends who then tell a few more, and the number will grow exponentially and the iPad would be free.
I can totally understand why they chose such a low discount per like.
I still think it's a dumb marketing move though. There's 3 days till the deal ends. Everyone is just going to wait till the 3 days is about to be up and then order it, so they can maximise the likes and get the lowest price. There wouldn't be any good reason to buy it now. It would be a good deal if they can get the network effect going, but it looks like they're having trouble getting the ball rolling because as it stands, the deal isn't all that attractive so people don't care.
Hmm according to my maths it's 5.8 cents per like.
$55.31 saving / 961 likes = $0.058 per like?
Unless at the time you did your calculation it was 9.6 cents and then as the number of likes increases the discount per like decreases? Either that or my maths suck, which is also possible :)
That means no one's going to buy any until they drop. Some will bring up 20% off with TGG as the benchmark price. Gonna take a lot of likes to get there.
Your not allowed to ask for likes.. Tisk Tisk (+ve on OzBargain)
You may get banned.. just sayin
Edit I see its on your site.. seems like your asking for them on here, May want to clarify that
So whats the lowest the price will drop down to? Is there a chance if you get enough likes these will be free?
We need 60000+ votes for this to be free. I don't think it's gonna happen. Hope I'm proved wrong ;)
Unlikely given the stock level bar shows less about 20% remaining, which could be any number really eg 2 if the total available quantity was 10 - can the rep comment on actual numbers left please?
Interesting, no response from the rep but the bar now shows about 80% stock level for those of you playing at home.
I have a feelign that the discount is negatively exponential. And i'm pretty sure there would be a cut-off value
is there GST included in the price, can I get 10% off at the airport?
GST is included. This is Australian stock.
Thats cool, Now I hope you have stock for two days as my flight is on 3rd of June :)
How many do you have in stock?
I bet it's some ridiculously low amount and this post is just advertising spam.
Ace, just watch the stock meter to make sure you get in before it sells out but I can confirm it isn't spam with 'ridiculously low stock.'
So are these actually in stock to be delivered straight away?
iPad's will be despatch within 5-20 working days, but most likely 5 days.
Come on guys. Let's make this go viral. I want it for $400. =)
Ain't gonna happen. As the number of clicks increase, the discount per click decreases. It is currently a discount of $65.30 for 1960 likes which is about 3.3 cents per click. See my calculations above where at 961 likes it was 5.8 cents per click. By 2960 likes it would be around 2.5 cents per click and a discount of $75.30. It would need about 8960 likes to get it to the 20% off level that can be achieved using discounted good guys gift cards from auspost.
No deal to be had atm, but will be interesting to watch these guys in the future as their popularity grows. If it reaches COTD exposure levels there will be some serious bargains to be had, but then I'm sure at that point each like will probably also be only worth 0.05 cents :p
If it reaches COTD levels, the site will get DDoD'ed and there won't be any stock. Similar to the AMEX Connect deals.
Had my hopes up too.
LikeMe ends today. All the products are selling fast so get in before it's too late.
4G…. really?! You're going to go there here on OzBargain?