Exetel nbn Cancellation Frustrations - 30 Day Notification in Cancellation Policy BS

Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone has any insight or can speak to similar issues they might have encountered when trying to churn their nbn service away from Exetel.
My experiences is as follows;
Worked out the date of my end of billing cycle - selected this date (March 22nd) as my "churn across" date from exetel to Origin. Service churned across successfully on the morning of the 22nd - I assumed that Exetel would be aware due to being notified by Origin, that my existing service with them was being churned, and as such they'd be able to make the simple logical conclusion that my existing service would thus be cancelled. However, later in the day, I received a bill from Exetel for the following month's (March 24 - April 23rd) service. I tried to login to "My Exetel" on the day to confirm the service had been cancelled, but my existing service still appeared to be "active", with no obvious way of cancelling via their online platform. I submitted an online inquiry to confirm the service had in fact been cancelled, but still have not received any response. Yesterday (23rd), I submitted an email to about 3 of their online customer service email addresses I'd discovered via googling, again requesting confirmation that my existing service had been cancelled and that I wouldn't be liable for this newly issued bill - but again, I still haven't heard back from this.

Growing increasingly frustrated, I today gave their customer service phone number a call, and after being transferred no less than 3 times, I spoke to a lady who said that she'd need to get in touch with a separate team to confirm that my service had been cancelled, and that she would send me an email once she'd received this confirmation. More worryingly, she added that she couldn't guarantee that I wouldn't be liable for this next month's bill, as she alleged that Exetel require "30 days notice" as per their cancellation policy - I was absolutely baffled by this. On a "no lock-in, month-to-month" service, whereby the customer has churned across to a different service provider at the end of their monthly billing cycle, Exetel are claiming that I might still be required to pay for an extra month's completely unused service, simply because, what, it takes their billing team an entire month to work out that I don't want to use their service anymore?

Has anyone else experienced this absolute BS? What are my likely options here? Should I change my direct debit from my existing bank account to an empty debit card I have with a bank I no longer use? Are there any risks associated with doing this? Should I be getting in touch with some sort of banking/financial ombudsman in order to make a formal complaint? Department of Consumer Protection?

As always, any help or advice is extremely greatly appreciated. Cheers!

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closed Comments

  • +3

    It's in their terms and yes, it's a well know poor condition in their ts and c's.

    It (among other high quality customer service reasons) is why I have refused to sign up to even their cheapest deals offerings.

    • What about;

      If the Customer elects to have an equivalent service to the
      Service supplied by another carrier, carriage service provider
      or service provider (including, by churning) and that carrier,
      carriage service provider or service provider informs Exetel
      that the Customer has elected to have the Service supplied by
      them or have churned to them, the Service will be deemed to
      have been cancelled by the Customer immediately. This will
      be without prejudice to Exetel’s rights under the Agreement
      with respect to the Service."

      • +2

        Yeah, you cancelled.
        That should be the triggering for the 30 days notice but you are still going to be up for the notice period.

        • Hmmmm, we'll see. What a (profanity) dodgy clause by these pricks. Complaints will be made, fusses will be kicked up. They won't be getting a cent out of me, the bastards.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: You can kick up all the fuss you want, I'm sure their support agents have heard it all before. Doubt it's worth getting a credit default over, and exetel come across as the kind of company that would do that out of principal.

            Perhaps take this as a cheap lesson on doing some quick reading of agreements
            This isn't exactly a hidden fine print term, it's very very easily seen if you checked for it.

            It's just because you didn't, because it's not common within the industry, but it doesn't make it invalid.

            • @SBOB: I agree that it's not common - In years of signing up for phone service contracts, internet contracts, insurance policies, gas and electricity contracts, etc, I have NEVER seen such a 30 day cancellation notification clause. So how should I, as the consumer, be reasonably expected to "expect" such a clause, if I've literally never encountered one before, in all of these other experiences?
              Personally I don't agree with the argument that I should just lay down and accept their absolutely abhorrent business practices simply because they exist. I'm sure the only reason they continue to get away with this 'theft' is because most customers don't/haven't complained enough about it. They're charging an entire month's worth of fees for a service they're not providing, which the customer has literally requested them to cancel, and simply proclaiming that they're allowed to do so "because they said so". In what world is that an acceptable business practice? Surely the ACCC would be willing to investigate this?

              • @[Deactivated]: Another rant showing you sign contracts without reading them.

                ACCC is not for people who cannot be bothered to read contacts. This is where the courts come into play and lawyers.

  • yup. need 30 days of notice.

  • +2

    Had the same issue. Contacted them via email, acknowledged my mistake, told them I was switching to Superloop which is their new parent company and asked if they could refund charges. And they did.

    Could have been because I was with Exetel for over a decade, could have been because I was going to Superloop, or perhaps instead of going nuclear I asked nicely. 🤷‍♂️

    • Exetel support and sales are reasonable, so long as they do NOT loose money and you you talk to them like you would expect someone to talk to you. Some times, < 10%, you need to give up and try again as the Colombo stalf may not understand you, but f you know there is superb support via another OZ site it you get stuck.

  • You DID NOT read the conditions that you agreed to when you signed up with Exetel. You need to give Exetel 30 days notice to cancel your contract. Been like this since joining (pioneering customer).

    Suck it up and read the contracts you agree to.

    • -3

      Oh yes, because everyone reads all the terms and conditions of every software they use, contract they sign, etc.

      Shouldn't you have ticked the "I am associated with Exetel" box, Andy, you obvious exetel shill?

      • you obvious exetel shill

        It's not exactly hidden so I wouldn't say they are exetel shilling.

        Even a quick check of their plans page shows

        "For Family nbn™ total minimum cost is $80 plus any pro-rata charges for 30-day cancellation notice period."

        They don't really try and hide it, it's just that other providers don't have it, so people don't look for it.

        • BTW When you do want to move you can extend the cancellation period by calling, but you cannot shrink it.

          I am NOT associated with Exetel, but have a three digit customer number so have seen this allot and will try to help people who get stuck and who tick anything they see.

          • @AndyC1: So just because you're an early adopter of a company with an extremely shitty and frankly predatory exit clause in their cancellation policy, this makes their behaviour acceptable? And their victims customers should be considered at fault for not expecting such an unusually shitty exit clause in their contract? Nice logic!

            • @[Deactivated]: I take it you do NOT read any contract you sign!!! OUCH.. DOH DOH OUCH…..

      • -1

        So you just agree to anything!! OUCH….

  • +1

    That why guys that value their time don't do this shit !

    • -1

      What, use the internet?

  • What a monkey!

    When I left them I called 30 days before I wanted to leave, and it’s done.

    I asked to get a confirm email of our convo and it was sent. Simples.

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