This was posted 2 years 11 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Gigabyte GeForce RTX3060 Gaming OC V2 12GB GDDR6 Graphics Video Card HDMI DP $594.15 ($580.17 w/eBay Plus) @ Ggtech.365 eBay


Original Coupon Deal

Finally price under $600 again for RTX 3060 OC 12GB GDDR6

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closed Comments

  • +19

    It’s not even RRP. HOLD

    • +1


    • +2

      Whats the RRP? $500?

      • +4

        Officially, Nvidia has confirmed to Kotaku Australia that the RTX 3060 has a MSRP of $529 in Australia

        • +2

          Very good. Ill gold off till $550 and take the risk.

          • +10

            @Jwils: I’ve never paid more than 400 for a graphics card - I’ll see what I can get for $500 this year - no hurry for me

            • +1

              @WhyAmICommenting: Same, currently have a 1060 6g, Im not massive on RTX or graphics and have a 1080p 60hz monitor. All games i play currently are set to high with 60fps cap and i have no issues so im kinda in the same boat. I just dont want to miss out on a good deal with the 40 series comes out.

              • @Jwils: For your case I think it is a bit of a gamble. You can either just purchase this 3060 GPU now and gain significant improvement in performance, in case this 3060 series will stop production by end of this year, or wait for the new 4000 series GPU but no one knows their pricing and availability.

                • @edfoo: Yep thats my issue. All on top off not really wanting to play current gen games. I main lost ark these days and that runs fine.
                  Last stress was cyberpunk and Ark.

              • +2

                @Jwils: I'm in the same boat with a 1060 3gb. Great card, but had some issues for a few weeks where it was having random driver crashes (though only in windows desktop activities, never games oddly enough), and now it's a question of gambling whether to see if these cards get cheaper while not being 100% sure if I need one, but knowing that if prices go back up it could potentially be far worse…

                • +1

                  @CodeExplode: Yeah that's it.

                  I think i'm going to go with buying now to be safe. If the price goes down I can justify the $50-$100 loss over buying one for way more if that was to happen.

                  • @Jwils: That's a very good perspective. Either way it's not going to go unused or unappreciated for many years. :D

              • @Jwils: If you're still playing league of legends that will do just fine. I intend to play age of empires definitive edition on my incoming RTX 3080.

        • It's effectively a GTX 1080 with dlss. $529 is a ridiculous price. The 1660 super was a rehashed GTX 1070 for $420 in 2019.

    • RRP + free games through $50 steam or epic credit.

  • +5

    3060's were going for $560 delivered last weekend…

    I ended up ordering an Asus 6600 8GB for $492 as its only 1% slower but uses very little power vs a 3060
    Perfect for a small emulator PC build. Power Consumption of all mid/low end cards 1080p, 12 Game Average 6600 vs 3060

    • +6

      3060's were going for $560 delivered last weekend…

      Yeah but needs afterpay

        • +27

          A lot of people don't want to apply for AFTERPAY

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: You can checkout as a guest on eBay afaik

              • -6

                @FireRunner: Still doesn't change the fact that people use AP and somehow FUD is spread all because the poster has never used it themselves.

                • +7

                  @[Deactivated]: BNPL schemes are a bit of slimy business, encouraging people to spend what they don’t have.
                  I have used it myself, payments are automatically scheduled though I just paid it off instantly because I don’t like to have this debt. The only risk is if the payment bounces then you’ll be slugged with the late fee.
                  I have no idea if the credit score claims are true. It would be good if someone in the know would actually clarify

                  • -2

                    @FireRunner: Slimy like credit cards are?

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: Yep, Credit Cards are a slimy business model too

                      • -1

                        @FireRunner: No CC facilitate spending habits that can actually benefit people, just because you're not able to understand that not everything is used by a Karen, that the rest of the normal populace cannot use said services properly.

                  • +2

                    @FireRunner: If you don't like afterpay for ethical reasons, signing up for this deal isn’t supporting them - they are gifting you 15% off your purchase.

                    We aren't their target market

                    • -1

                      @greatlamp: It's funny that people are so anti AP when they are doing what you said, gifting you 15%, they are not wanting free gifts, on a bargain website that prides itself on being bargain hunters?

                      Richly ironic…

        • +7

          The difference is one is a retailer, another is an purchasing method.

          • -6

            @freefall101: eBay is a store front that still requires specific account details tied to that account, most these sellers will NOT accept cash in any form or manner which means you cannot get the 15% discount.

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: Afterpay is looking for you to forget one of the three other payments you have to make every two weeks.

              I don’t want to have to pay for something four times.

              Afterpay is a joke.

              • -3

                @Grok: Yeah exactly what they want, erm no.

                • @[Deactivated]: I remember reading that some bank were causing issues with BNPL for mortgages.

                  • -1

                    @[Deactivated]: I remember something something too.

              • +1


                I don’t want to have to pay for something four times.

                That is the reason why I want to avoid afterpay just because of the discount.

                And afterpay want more people to sign up because of the discount.

              • +9

                @Grok: Then just make all the repayments immediately and just enjoy the discount. It's really not that hard…

                • +2

                  @Arcticfox: Please don't use logic, there is an insidious force behind the scene, they want you to miss all payments that way they can take your house, car, wife (yes please) and dog.
                  People try to make out how bad something is without actually ever used it.


                  • @[Deactivated]: It is more like don't want to apply for another credit card.

                    • +2

                      @superforever: I am sorry but it is not a CC, there is no credit checks done when applying, again misinformation.

                  • @[Deactivated]: Afterpay charge you a fee if you don’t pay on time.

                    They don’t want your house they want 25% more of your payment, look at their website.

                    • @Grok: Most institutions charge late fees, maybe you're too young to have ever been a member of a video library? Don't blame the lender in this instance if you cannot manage your finances,

                      • @[Deactivated]: AP business model is to profit from late fees then to encourage people to buy things they can’t afford.

                        I always pay up front the whole amount, I don’t want or need to split the payments. I don’t want to be on the AP mailing list.

                        • @Grok: This is utter BS, I have been with AP for 5 years and never paid 1 late fee. If you're paying late fees, you're going to be getting your account frozen and you think they want you to buy more stuff?
                          How can you be so deluded?

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: Did you say take the wife? Where do we sign up?

                    • @TilacVIP: The wife/kids/mother inlaw.

            • @[Deactivated]: What are you even trying to say here? Because I can only choose to pay with paypal, amex, google pay, visa and mastercard it's exactly the same as being forced to pay with Afterpay?

              I get it, you like Afterpay and think everyone should use it, but calling things the same when they're obviously not is absurd.

              • -1

                @freefall101: They are the same, you still need a payment method attached to your account, just like AP requires it, please stop being so obtuse.

                • -1

                  @[Deactivated]: Ah I get it, you bought ASX:APT at the peak :(

                  • @idonotknowwhy: No I don't trade, nice try, keep the snarkie remarks for the play ground right?

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: people get mad at you cause you deliver facts about Afterpay

                      then they downvote your comment cause they get hurt

                      • +1

                        @Inhmayz: That's all it is, when you provide facts they accuse you of being a share holder or w/e, behaving like a shill.
                        Simple fact of the matter is they don't like being corrected when they have no experience using the service and spew FUD.
                        I have used it for 5 years, never once paid a late fee, I know how to make it work best for me, if others are paying late fees, that's not AP's fault, that's the inability to service a simply contract, so how do they pay their bills or expect to buy a house if they cannot stick to a simply budget?
                        Then the whole but but but AP wants your late fees, actually no they don't they try to avoid late fees and will freeze your account so you don't get into financial trouble.
                        Careful of facts around here, it actually might offend people that know nothing about the context given they don't even use the service.

                    • @[Deactivated]: looks like you got pwn'd

                      • @idonotknowwhy: Yeah what happened? He must have done something very naughty and got banned?

        • +1

          Hey look, it's this guy again. Where's my popcorn?

  • Will this card play Minecraft with Ray tracing (bedrock) @ 1440p on a 34" widescreen, 30 - 60 fps is fine wife can't tell any difference? Or need a 3060ti or higher.

    • +2

      have a look — 1440p RTX ON

      The first video has 30FPS
      The second video has 60FPS…

      i think you need to watch more youtube videos to get a better idea

      • +3

        Why a blocked game needs high end card 🤣

        • +2

          Because Raytracing.
          Ironically Minecraft actually produces an appreciable difference with RTX-on unlike most other RT enabled games

        • +1

          Minecraft's had a lot of updates over the years, and then they've thrown on some hefty modded graphics on top of it.

          At a minimum players will load about a 320 x 320 blocks area around them horizontally, which will then also be about 100-200 blocks deep, or if they're upping their view range from the general minimum maybe something like 1024 x 1024 x 150 blocks around them, or 157 million blocks. While there are surely graphical steps in place to try to reduce the number which need to be drawn, that's still a lot of blocks to process. Other games have the benefit of having lower detail model versions of things in the distance, but everything in Minecraft is dynamic so the full detailed blocky version of things in the distance need to be processed.

      • Thanks 👍

  • +10

    This might be an unpopular opinion but I personally find the current price of RTX3060 (even at RRP) still too high.

    This card performs similar to 2060Super (plus better RT/DLSS features) - and back in the days 2060S were around $450-$500 mark, so I say the justified price for 3060 would be about $$500-$550.

    Hope not too long now.

    • +2

      price for 3060 would be about $$500-$550.

      Wait for another 40% drop in one night.

    • +1

      Id say wait for next gen if you have a managable card.

      • +3

        I'm not sure who's suffering more at this point, me or my gtx970 lol

        • Both if you are on 1440P!

        • +1

          I caved in and finally retired my 970 with the afterpay deals on the 3060ti. I needed to replace a 5770 in an old PC anyway so have shuffled the video cards down the line. I feel like handing back my OzB license.

        • Made me laugh, thank you.

    • +1

      dont forget to factor in inflation, isnt far off

  • +1

    Yeah, wait for Easter sale now

  • $600 For 1080Ti performance is alright and with DLSS it’s more like 2080?

    but then again if AMD wasn’t so bad we would be paying 350-$399 in an ideal world.

    • +2

      3060 is closer to the base 1080 than the 1080 Ti.
      Not sure what you mean by AMD being bad, if you don’t want/care about DLSS and Raytracing then AMD is a better value option

      • 6600xt is a 1080 Ti @160w and with RT cores

      • AMD being bad

        Crap drivers for GPUs.

        Love their CPUs though.

    • 3060 = 2070

  • +2

    Wait for all the mining cards to hit the used market

    • Would it ever?

  • +1

    I know the 30 series cards are basically 20s tech but with more cores, but it irks me that I don't get a choice to buy a 2060 anymore, so I need to fork out 500 bucks for a card even at msrp.

    I hope intel ark is my saviour. Hopefully that have a similar card for lower than 400 bucks.

  • +2

    Damn I bought my GTX 1080 for $320 off ebay in oct 2020. This is very expensive and I've noticed used gtx 1080's still selling for 450. The market is still far from back to normal

    • +3

      That's a great price, still a great card today.

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