Key: $44.58
Service fees with PayPal: $3.67 ($3.46 with CreditCard)
Discount: -$6.18
End-price: $41.99
Service fees apply. Use the indicated discount codes to reach the following prices (after coupon and service fees).
1. Go to the product page and click "Buy Now"
2. Go to cart
3. Apply discount code: PSN50AUD
4. Select payment method PayPal or Credit Card (Service fees will be applied here)
5. Proceed to checkout with end-price indicated above.
*Price is subject to change by a few cents due to currency exchange rate volatility
Perfect if you want to buy PSP/PS3 games as you need to top-up your wallet manually.
I snapped up Persona 3 FES for $14.99 which is ridiculously expensive if you want to buy physically.