This game is part of Xbox's Game with Gold for March but it can now be picked up for free without Gold.
[XSX, XB1] Free - Sacred 2 Fallen Angel @ Microsoft

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Was a great game back in the day, huge world and tons of fun. Massive shame Sacred 3 was abysmal..
No gold. Just claimed.
Love this game, still have physical copies for PC and xbox.
Claimed the xbox360 version. Thanks OP
You guys talking about not having gold. I don't even have an Xbox and still claimed using my hotmail account from 20 years ago.
Other freebies:
Space Jam: A New Legacy
Costume Quest
deBlob 2
Metal Slug 3
Sensible World of Soccer
Queens Quest 5
Crackdown 2
Too Human
Hexic HD
IkarugaCredit: Reddit
Most if not all of them have been posted on here in the past. Just a reminder.
This is massive, thank you.
Legend, somehow i had missed Ikaruga!
Amazing, thank you for this.
Is there somewhere that frequently publishes lists of these?
Just depends on who discovers it first. Reddit, OzBargain, MyDealz, HotUKDeals, Dealabs …
Dealbot will know more than I do.
Thanks for that. Didn't have one. :)
Thanks, I have no GOLD and claimed.