Get 25% off all Coles Mobile recharge vouchers.
Available at any register.
If not an existing customer then a better value option than the $99 365 day plan
- Buy the discounted $20 starter pack for $10
- Buy a 25% off $120 recharge for $90
- Use first 30 days then recharge with the 365 day voucher.
$100 for ~ 13 months
15GB first 30 days (unused rolls over) 60GB with the 365 day recharge.
Unlimited talk/text to the following 15 countries - Canada, mainland China, France, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States.
Rollover up to 50GB when you recharge before expiry or when you maintain an active AutoRecharge.
Optus network.
Too bad my current plan expires tomorrow.