Its been over a month since I've lodged an application in centrelink for job seeker and its still hasn't been approved unfortunately. I've been low on funds for not having been able to work since the December break and it affected my mental greatly is all. Doesn't help that on top of that I've got backpain and no means of getting from the foodbank to my own place apart from carrying it.
All my funds have only been going to rent and I'm still not in a position to leave the house. I've been using a lot of first order and recurring deals, sign up bonuses and referral links for my groceries and food but I think I've gone through all of em unfortunately.
Saw a post on using crypto cashback for social goods so I'll look up sites or apps that maybe has a list of these and use referrals from ozbargainers ofcourse. But right now I'd appreciate it if anyone has suggestions for groceries and food delivery apps that have these services apart from ones I've already used
- Ubereats
- Deliveroo
- Menulog
- Doordash
- Eatclub
- Quicko (inactive now)
- Send
- Voly
I've only been paying roughly $1-$5 for these services and using their free trials for premium services to lessen fees. I've also been looking at deals in groupon and couponese.Been rough but I'm getting by I know a lot of other people are having it worse but I've got a job lined up and things are starting to look good just need to survive a couple more weeks till I get my first pay. Thank you!
Edit: Fixed one word and a special shoutout to Hybroid for sending a hot meal. I'll be forever grateful.
If you’re happy to share your address (or a street corner to sit and wait), will happily send you over some pizzas tonight. You can store some slices in freezer for quick meal later.