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Men's Kimono Hakama 4-Piece Set #5 Samurai Style from $684.71 (25% off) + Free Shipping from VIC @ Shantique on Etsy


Black & Gold men's Kimono Hakama Haori Juban 4 piece set.
Vintage wedding MONTSUKI HAKAMA with high grade materials and quality.
The price will be different depending on size. 10 in stock.

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closed Comments

  • First post was only 2 days ago. Lots of bargains going on at Shantique.

    • Preparing for the coming wedding season.. Thanks

      • +1

        Yes everything related to weddings is overpriced.

        • -3

          You're so smart

    • -4

      I negged you

  • Stylish

  • +10


    • またつまらぬ物を斬ってしまった!

      • そうですね

    • The initiated….
      Demon slayer when?

    • This is the best comment

    • Sebonzakura Kageyoshi!

  • +1

    If you wear this where I live you must be very confident.

  • Thats like the price of an engagement ring and it wont get me laid.

    • +1

      Cheap engagement ring

      • +11

        My wedding ring was literally 0.99 cents on Aliexpress. My wife and I thankfully don't care about that stuff at all. To each their own though.

        Edit: Sorry, 0.65 cents…
        I bought 3 at once just to have a few spares. It's been 7 years now and they have held up great!

        • +2

          Damn that's a great deal, wish I'd done that.

        • +7

          You sir are the epitome of Ozbargainers

        • Is that really titanium?

          • @Faithgrrl: Haha probably not. But it is hard metal and it looks the same as I bought it 7 years ago. Nothing on aliexpress is ever exactly what it says it is.

            • @DATApush3r: Still cool that it stayed the same, didn't lose colour or come off on your skin! I am always worried about aliexpress stuff leeching chemicals since they told me they did tests.. So never bought

      • Cheap enough. ;)

  • Oh Etsy, (profanity) lol. Fake over priced shit.
    31 August 2021 · Instagram ·
    Men's MONTSUKI HAKAMA gold brocade
    Wedding 4 piece set of HAORI HAKAMA KIMONO JUBAN

    Throw some more buzz words and hashtags in, might work before you end up flogging that crap here.

    • +1

      what do you mean by fake?

      • -2

        Home made jobby.

        • +4

          Isn't that the least fake

          • @Arigato: Thank you for your support.

          • -1

            @Arigato: ITS AUSTRALIA! NOT JAPAN! (They should throw in a pair of uggies for that price eh)

  • this looks like an awesome website to buy cosplay outfits
    pity cosplay is such an expensive hobby lol

  • +1

    Isn’t there a minimum number of units required to post things?

  • +2

    I would just spend the $700 to get a Japan Airlines ticket to Tokyo and look for something real, when they open their doors later this year.

    • Very specific you sought out Japan airlines. Sq, Cathay, Qantas, Ana all fly there. :D

      • ya, I don't like transit so SQ and CX is not my choice
        ANA i think it's Sydney only? I don't live there.
        JAL targets business trips goers and mature adults while ANA targets younger customers.
        JAL's cabin are so quiet. there are very few crying infants, noisy kids, misbehave teens and drunk Australian adults lol
        they are also more spacious and better food.
        tickets are slightly more expensive than QF but worth the price.

        • Interesting feedback. My wife and I travel frequently to Japan, at least once a year for last 8 years before COVID hit. I never thought about ana being for a younger crowd. But I did like flying JAL.

    • +1

      Plenty of second hand shops where i am in Hokkaido, and you can get a decent Hakama for 7000-15000yen. This being a set piece for weddings or a traditional event is a good price compared to what you can pay in Japan.
      Japanese stuff is made with finer materials and made by the craftsmen, but each to their own.
      You'll probably only wear it once.

      • +1

        Thank you for the explanation.

    • +1

      As I commented in current Jetstar flights to Japan from $199, I wore on various types of old second hand robes from Tokyo.

      Elderly families gave them to me free. So many in old apartments were just being thrown out - locals won't wear used clothes. Brought so many back.

    • Sure, but a real kimono will set you back at least a few thousand. Prices get more expensive when you get a real one made from silk, not less.

  • +2

    Awesome, been waiting for this to go on sale….

    • Funny::D

  • Shantique a fool

  • +1

    Oh man. I just bought the Best & Less version. 😭

  • Nice! should come with a free udemy Japanese course?

  • with high grade materials and quality.

    wow, what a bargain! I'm agnostic and love the ambiguity OP

  • Too ugly…..

  • +1

    Is it considered cultural appropriation for a non-Japanese background person to wear this?

    • +5

      yep. also listening to rap music is racist unless you're black. and don't even fooken think about eating yum cha unless you're chinese

      • I am sorry but I've to say that yum cha is a Cantonese culture, which is the southeastern part of the mainland.
        Many Chinese, the northern, south-western and central ones, don't have such custom.
        Also they don't "eat" yum cha. In Cantonese, yum = drink and cha = tea.
        they "go" to yum cha and eat dim sum (not dim sim, 2 different things)

        I think a similar example for easier understanding is:
        In Australia, only QLDers and NTs go to supermarket in barefoot lol

        • +6

          Get a load of Mr Cantonese here trying to appropriate Chinese culture. SMH.

    • Pronounce 何 correctly and you're good to go

  • Thank you

  • Wonder whether it comes with any other emblem than the "hawk feathers" shown in the page

    • Only hawk feathers KAMON are placed on this KIMONO but you may find other KAMON at different places. Thanks

  • +4

    Many non-Japanese people who love Japanese things, martial artists or fashionistas are wearing kimonos and it's very welcomed and not cultural appropriation for us. Thanks:)

    • I never understood this whole cultural appropriation thing. I always thought it was celebrating another person's culture. Like learning another language.

      • bad faith actors? it's probably propaganda created by those against societal progress and eaten up by idiots

      • To put it into context, it was god damn annoying for me when the kids I grew up with who bullied me for eating weird food and calling me names and insulting my home language and my accent (even when I had none) turned around and started talking about how great the food and culture was, only when it became popular in the Western world. I thought it was unfair that if a kid was from Europe or South America or Africa they were automatically cool and the kids would flock to them and be curious about their culture and food and language. Because what I got was people doing the fingers on the eyes to make them slanted, people telling me that it didn't matter which country I came from because they were all the same, and politicians telling their constituents that people who looked like me were parasites that would swamp the country and bring culture and religion that were incompatible with Australian values, and never assimilate. As I grew older, my academic achievements were downplayed because being "book smart" was just a trait of my ethnicity, and that it was more important to be intelligent in ways that actually mattered, such as leadership qualities or teamwork. It seemed very convenient that those traits tended to be based on subjective measurements.

        Many of my peers who were also very young immigrants made the choice to abandon their own culture and purposely forgot/stopped learning their ethnic language or culture in an effort to fit in because it was made clear to us that to have any chance of being treated well, we had to at least dress, walk, and talk like everyone else did even if we couldn't look the same - at least outside of our homes. Suddenly, the winds of change blew and the whims of society now decided that the stuff that we weren't supposed to do were now cool. Now it's awkward for my peers when they're asked something about their ethnic culture or language and they don't know, because when we were kids, we were told to assimilate and forget about the stuff that wasn't "Australian".

        Overall, I think the cultural appropriation "movement" came from a desire to keep something that Westernised ethnic minorities saw as a precious and unique part of themselves (because they had to fight to keep doing them in private when they were younger) from becoming mainstream without them having a say in it. They saw some people indulging in their culture and they felt aggrieved that these people could do it without facing the same obstacles that they faced; the cries of "cultural appropriation" was perhaps a knee-jerk reaction and a poor attempt from Westernized ethnic minorities to convey their experiences to these people. Once the term became popular and used in situations that weren't completely appropriate, the chance to have the conversation was mostly lost.

        I welcome everyone to share and experience my culture as long as they approach it with openness and self-awareness, and a little bit of the background information here about why some ethnic minorities raised in Western society might feel conflicted about the situation, while people from their country of origin wouldn't feel the same conflict.

        • +1

          Holy shit. Sorry you had to go through that. People can be dicks. Kids especially. I was the opposite. I grew up in Singapore and was made fun of because my eyes were round, and kids would pull their eyes open and call me "goldfish". But it wasn't to a point where society hated my culture and my people, so that was as bad as it got for me. I didn't have to hide who I was or anything like that. There were other parts that made it hard, but that's different story.

          I guess there are people who honestly want to experience other cultures, but there also people who make fun and laugh at other cultures. And they're dicks. I'd like to think that I respect other people enough to embrace their culture.

          Again, sorry for what you had to go through. I hope you've passed your culture, language and food down to your kids because it would be a terrible waste to lose that

  • wear this and sing i am turning japanese by the vapours

  • Finally, I can be just as cool as Ken-sama.

  • +3

    Excellent, I was just searching for new business attire for returning to the office.

  • -1

    Very cool! I like it.
    Sadly, in this day and age someone will get upset if a non-Japanese person wears it.

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