cheapest xtxh 6900xt?
faster than 3090 when both oced. enjoy?
Finally AMD cards start to drop
its also not a gaming z trio? an xtxh card?
What's so special about the gaming z trio? Surely it is not worth $200 more.
And what is xtxh?
99% of 6900xt's are 'xtx' a normal binned die
some 6900xt's…
have 'xtxh' chips which are much higher binned chips
it allows for much higher boost clocks, voltage and performance obv.
an xtxh 6900xt is the best at benchmarks and more often than not, beats out a 3090 (both oced)…
heres a review of another xtxh model (barely any z trio reviews)
in that recap, on average, it beats the 3090 in 1080p,1440p,2160p
and this is just stock, when oced (which the 6900xt benefits more from the gap is even larger)
this is shown here…
6.1%, can get much higher but these didnt put that much effort into it
it's like asking what's so special about b-die rams .. surely not worth the money , maybe for you if you have to ask, but not others
Also noted the Asus TUF only requires two 8-pin power connecters while this MSI Gaming Z Trio requires three.
The 3 pin connector is so you can draw more power and not cook your motherboard etc when overclocking, the Strix is the same. Tuf is better value if you are not concerned on this.
The TUF card got great reviews from HU, i have one, its great.
7700XT supposedly better than 6900XT but 1/2 the $, issue is end of year release.…
Wow, just saw this US YouTube video on the Gaming X Trio (not this Z) price dropped to USD $1099:
Won't be surprised if AUD price for a 6900XT drops to $1500 in the next week or two.
Cheaper but no stock at BPC
I have this Z Trio, honestly not much in it compared to the 6800xt Taichi OC (admittedly it's at the top end) i had:
6800xt ~20k topped (air)
6900xt ~21k stock (air) - couldn't seem to push it much either and this is the xtxh variant which i was chasing
3080 (evga ftw3U) ~18-19k OC
Thank goodness for price protection :)
watch your profanity