Hey all,
I returned a call yesterday for a government position and during the call the lady asked what I'd be looking for, initially from my research I couldn't find any information on the salary for the particular role however looking further, I see the pay is higher than what I gave. My mistake was she kept asking what I was making with my time atm to which I gave her a range.
Details on the pay is I gave a range from $45-$50 and of course she chose the lower end of the scale,however the role usually pays $58 which I know I'm worth due to my experience and what the role is looking for.
I had a follow up call during the process which the account manager said "so you'll be looking for $45 per hour" and I responded with "that's a starting point"
Can this be renegotiated upon successful interviews?
Any advice is appreciated.
I've sent through the email, hopefully all goes well
I would renegotiate, for sure. The account manager wants you more than you them, remember